Vol 13, No 3 (2022)

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Causes of debt of the population for payment of housing and utility services

Kemaykin N.K., Maskina E.A.


This study is aimed at clarifying the main reasons for the formation of consumer debt to pay for the services of housing and communal services. The subject of the study is the opinion of consumers about the quality of services and factors that reduce their payment. The purpose of this study is to identify the main reasons for non-payment of housing and communal services by consumers. To achieve the goal of the study, the following tasks were solved: the assessment of the quality of services was determined; the degree of consumer awareness was assessed; the main reasons for non-payment of services were identified. The research methodology was based on a sociological survey of consumers. For this, a quota proportional sample was used among consumers of housing and communal services in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. The study was door-to-door with a given route. As a result, the following causes and factors affecting the occurrence of arrears in payment for services were identified: regular increase in tariffs; discrepancy between the price and the quality of services; lack of information about the rights and obligations of consumers in this area; low level of communication between consumers of services and performers; high need for meetings of owners of premises with representatives of housing and communal services; low income. The results of this study are of great theoretical significance for the development and formation of programs for the socio-economic development of individual municipalities, as well as for the development of strategic programs for the development of enterprises in the sphere of housing and communal services. The practical significance lies in the fact that the main stakeholders of this market, using the described methodology, can repeat the study to identify the main factors in quantitative terms that reduce the pace of sustainable development of housing and communal services and municipalities.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):7-21
pages 7-21 views

Analysis of existing technologies for processing associated petroleum gas in Russia

Manukyan M.M.


The article discusses the features of associated petroleum gas processing technologies, as well as their impact on the specifics of environmental problems in the industry. The author describes the composition of associated petroleum gas and concludes that due to the combustion of associated petroleum gas, a large number of harmful substances are formed, which also affect the health of the population. The development of oil fields entails the development of by-products that require timely disposal, as they can affect the development of environmental friendliness of production. The article also considers the volume of pollutants formed during the combustion of associated petroleum gas at flare installations. The scheme of processing of hydrocarbon raw materials is presented with a description of certain criteria on the basis of which the extraction and processing of associated petroleum gas is carried out. The components of the associated petroleum gas utilization process have also been determined. The article proposes a model for the catalytic conversion of a heavy fraction into a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, xylene), with the help of the implementation of the relative simplicity of which (the process is one-stage, the technological regime is quite mild), the quality of the pre-processing technology will be improved and the impact on the environment will be reduced.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):22-28
pages 22-28 views

Innovations in the manufacturing sector: sectoral and regional aspects

Mironova E.A., Guliyev E.A.


In modern economic conditions, the task of ensuring the effective functioning of business processes both at the level of an individual enterprise and at the regional and national levels as a whole is becoming increasingly important. Ensuring the economic development and stability of the production unit at the regional and federal levels depends directly on the quality of production and services, their compliance with modern technological requirements and consumer needs. The latest production technologies are becoming a vector of modern production sphere. Production innovations determine not only the level of technological development of an individual economic entity or region, but also the entire world order as a whole. It is worth noting that modern global challenges, sanctions, lead to the fact that the economy of the Russian Federation will have to import substitution of most of the previously imported components and goods. The need for reorientation and diversification of production will entail both the modernization of existing production facilities and the launch of completely new ones, which in turn will entail the steady growth of various sectors of the Russian economy. But it is worth noting that the total introduction of new technologies in various spheres entails significant negative consequences for society, expressed in the shortage of highly qualified specialized personnel, environmental pollution, etc.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):29-34
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Increasing competitiveness of inland water transport in the Samara region passenger transport market

Nemchinov O.A., Moiseeva V.R.


The role of inland water transport in the country's economy is determined by the special significance of the functions it performs. Despite the insufficient indicators of transport work, river transport plays an important role in providing for those regions of Russia where the density of railways and roads is low or overloaded, and the waterway network is developed. The study identified the main factors affecting the volume of inland waterway transport. The advantages of using water transport and the main problematic issues in its modern development are indicated. The types of river vessels used in passenger traffic in the Samara region, the state of the existing infrastructure and the degree of development of the route network are analyzed. The possibility of introducing new types of vessels is considered, proposals are made to adjust the existing schedule of movement. An economic assessment of the results of the production activities of the existing and proposed fleet of inland water transport has been carried out. An assessment was made of the prospects for the payback of the investment project for the renewal of the regional fleet of inland waterway transport vessels. The materials of this article can be used in the process of developing and implementing regional programs for the development of river transport, as well as in the educational process in educational institutions when training specialists for the transport complex.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):35-43
pages 35-43 views

Strategic planning in energy saving at industrial enterprises of Russia

Podbornova E.S.


Our country has been and remains one of the leaders in the world's energy industry. Russia's energy needs are fully met by its own resources. Annual export volume of mineral fuel, oil and petroleum products is about 600–700 million tons in conventional terms. Currently, the situation with exports is complicated by sanctions and the geopolitical situation in Russia and in the world. Only taking into account the embargo imposed by the U.S., Britain, Australia and Canada, export losses are more than 40 million tons. In addition, Russia is the world leader in proven reserves of natural gas, its volume – more than 50 billion cubic meters. At the same time, it should be noted that such high indicators and sufficient resource potential are present at an extremely low level of energy efficiency. Thus, the volume of energy costs for the production of the average Russian producer is about twice as much as the global average. On this basis, the need to improve the quality of strategic planning and to promote targeted activities in the field of energy conservation in industry in the Russian Federation becomes obvious. Such activities will have not only positive economic, but also social, political, environmental and other types of effects. The most energy-consuming branch of industry in Russia is the processing industry, which is about 30  % of all final energy consumption. Another 70 % of the energy saving potential is represented by metallurgy, chemical and oil refining and other industries.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):44-49
pages 44-49 views

Digital transformation at the present stage and its impact on innovation

Termeleva A.E.


The widespread and active development, as well as the diffusion of new digital technologies, are currently significantly changing the structure of the main foreign trade and socio-economic sectors. An increasing number of organizations are moving their business to the digital sphere, significantly reducing, at the same time, transaction costs and increasing the results of their functioning. Due to the use of digital technologies, an extensive and, practically, barrier-free market is being formed in global networks with strong competition and the dynamics of the development of its elements (IT companies, digital pricing, services, products, digital consumption). In the digitalization market, the main factor of competitive advantages is the company's ability to analyze (process and analyze) big data. The prospects and sustainability of functioning and development of a business are determined by its ability to respond significantly faster than it was earlier (25–30 years ago) to rapidly changing consumer needs and quickly deliver new (innovative) products (services) to the market using electronic channels of information dissemination, advertising and, directly, sales. The author notes in the article that the scale of digital transformation in the development of new digital technologies and business models differs significantly in different foreign economic activities. For example, in the field of retail and financial services, they have been widely used for more than 10 years, and the pandemic of the early 2000-s significantly strengthened this transformational trend. In some of the most «conservative» foreign economic activities, we observe the opposite picture, where platform digital solutions require not only technological adaptation to digitalization processes, but also significant organizational and structural changes, as well as the restructuring of traditional business processes to digital ones. But, despite significant industry differences, unevenness and peculiarities of the introduction of digital technologies, all experts in this field reflect a common point of view, expressed in a high assessment of the need and importance of digitalization in the socio-economic development of state. According to the author, the digital transformation of economic processes reflects the potentially growing expectations of progressive effects from the introduction of a new (innovative) generation of digital technologies. The consequence of this is that in recent years, a significant number of industry strategies in the field of digital transformation have been adopted in various countries of the world, including Russia. These strategies represent a new stage in the formation and development of the digital economy, which combines the concepts of development of individual digital technologies with their direct implementation.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):50-58
pages 50-58 views


Assessing the compliance of the regional strategy with federal guidelines on the example of the Leningrad region

Busheneva Y.I.


The article compares the goals and content of the Strategy of the Leningrad region with the guidelines formed in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation as of February 4, 2021 № 68 «On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of senior officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation». The purpose of the study is to form recommendations for correcting the Strategy of the Leningrad region in order to ensure the implementation of the goals and objectives set in accordance with the guidelines of the federal level. As a research method, the article uses diagnostics based on the author's table, which allows assessing the goals and content of regional strategies according to 20 parameters established in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation as of February 4, 2021 № 68, and compliance with the criteria for achieving indicators: the presence of target orientation, quantitative standards, measures to achieve, resource support. The results of the study made it possible to conclude that the Strategy of the Leningrad region is inconsistent with federal standards; according to the results of diagnostics, the strategy of the region scored 36 points. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the document can be classified as a «set of events». The work also highlighted those indicators, the achievement of which is spelled out in sufficient detail in the Strategy of the region (for example, the quality of the urban environment), as well as indicators that were not taken into account when developing the document (for example, trust in authorities). The practical significance of the results obtained is determined by the possibility of their application in the practice of strategic regional forecasting and planning. The prospects for the study are to evaluate the strategies of other regions of the Russian Federation on the basis of the author's diagnostic table, in particular, the subjects of the Northwestern Federal District, and conduct a comparative study on this topic.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):59-70
pages 59-70 views

Industrial enterprise innovative design management technology map

Vasyaycheva V.A.


The ongoing global economic changes necessitate the formation of new approaches to innovation management that will contribute to sustainable development, economic growth and competitiveness of domestic industrial enterprises in the domestic and foreign markets. Solving the problems of rationalization and unification of innovation management is becoming increasingly important. The key goal of the scientific research is to develop scientific and practical recommendations for building a map of innovative design management technology that ensures the rapid adaptation of the enterprise to the conditions of constant change. In the process of achieving this goal, methods of structural analysis and synthesis, generalization, analogy, system analysis, and optimization were used. Based on the results of the analysis carried out by the author, a map of innovative design management technologies is presented, which provides managers of an industrial enterprise with management tools that contribute to the formation of a sustainable architecture for the innovation management process and make it possible to improve the current organizational and management structure using modern digital platforms and management decision-making tools. Scientific conclusions and proposals are of high importance for adjusting the innovation policy, determining the prospects and the basic vector of economic growth of domestic enterprises in the current operating conditions. Thus, the scientific recommendations and conclusions formed in the work can act as methodological tools for the management of industrial enterprises in determining options for solving the problems of economic growth and increasing competitiveness. A strategic guideline for further research is the development of existing approaches to enterprise innovation management, the unification of methodological tools for innovation management using modern digital technologies.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):71-78
pages 71-78 views

Conceptual model of the cost management system of the full life cycle of high-tech industrial products

Golubev S.S., Veselovsky M.Y., Khoroshavina N.S.


In modern realities, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of production and use of high-tech products of industrial enterprises. This becomes possible thanks to the implementation of a cost management system for the full life cycle of high-tech products. This system allows for a significant reduction in both financial and material costs at all stages of the life cycle of high-tech products. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the cost of the full life cycle of the sample. The purpose of the publication is to develop conceptual approaches to the construction of cost management systems at the stages of the life cycle of high-tech industrial products to minimize total (total) costs. Based on the analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches in the field of life cycle management of high-tech products, as well as foreign experience in managing the cost of high-tech products at various stages of its life cycle, the authors have developed a conceptual model of a cost management system for the life cycle of high-tech products. The proposed concept will contribute to the reform of the management system of the full life cycle of high-tech products. This will solve problems in the field of providing financial and material resources for all stages of the life cycle of high-tech products, starting with its development and ending with disposal, as well as increase the efficiency of using the life cycle management system of high-tech products of industrial enterprises. The novelty of the presented results lies in the fact that the authors for the first time from the standpoint of systematic and integrated approaches describe conceptual approaches to building a cost management system for the full life cycle of high-tech products, identify the problems of managing the operating costs of high-tech products and show the tools to solve them. This will allow a systematic approach to managing the full costs of all stages of the life cycle of high-tech products in order to minimize them.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):79-87
pages 79-87 views

Model of the activity load of the interrogator during the investigation of fires

Karpov S.Y.


Modern trends in the socio-economic development of the state imply the optimization of human resources for law enforcement agencies. This task is also relevant in the context of ensuring fire safety, since determining the optimal number of interrogators of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia will improve the quality of fire investigation and provide a preventive component in reducing the number of fires and damage from them. The balanced structure of the body and the optimal number of employees will ensure the timely and high-quality provision of public services, the consumers of which are citizens of the Russian Federation. Therefore, determining the optimal activity load of an employee in the context of an increase in the service area and reengineering of the number of employees of the federal state fire supervision is a necessary “tool” in determining the effective structural and staffing of the inquiry agency of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The purpose of the article is to develop and propose an approach for predicting the optimal workload of an employee in fire investigation activities. This study proposes an information-analytical model for determining the optimal load of an interrogator of a territorial subdivision of an inquiry agency of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The basic factors and criteria influencing the determination of the functional load of an employee in the investigation of fires are considered. Methods and methods for predicting the time spent on performing the main work in the fire investigation activities are given. The activity load of an employee is a constituent element (indicator) in making a managerial decision to form the optimal structure of the body. The use of geoinformation technologies and simulation of prompt arrival at potential fire sites is proposed to determine the optimal territorial boundaries of employee service and use the results obtained in predicting the optimal activity load. Scientific novelty lies in the developed information-analytical model for determining the optimal load of the interrogator of the territorial division of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, as well as the method for collecting initial data for calculation.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):88-106
pages 88-106 views

Methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of organizational and managerial innovations

Tyukavkin N.M.


At the present stage of economic development associated with total economic sanctions against Russia by Western countries and the United States, the importance of innovation, especially in the industrial sector, is especially relevant. In this regard, organizational and managerial innovations come to the fore, which multiply increase the efficiency of all activities of enterprises and organizations. The paper presents the approaches of scientists to the formulation of organizational and managerial innovations. It is shown that organizational and managerial innovations are used in terms of improving the efficiency of functioning. The structure of organizational and managerial innovations is presented. The study presents the concept, essence and structure of evaluating the effectiveness of organizational and managerial innovations, the parameters used for evaluation. It is determined that the issues of evaluation of organizational and managerial innovations, during the period of the functioning of Industry 4.0, are of particular importance. The complexity of this assessment is due to the fact that organizational and managerial innovations are practically not quantifiable. For their assessment, expert assessment methods are mainly used. The author's approach to assessing the effectiveness of organizational and managerial innovations is proposed in the study.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):107-113
pages 107-113 views

Methodological support of management decisions in innovative activities of industrial enterprises based on the use of intellectual property

Chebykina M.V., Stepanov E.V., Zhityaeva O.I.


The article reflects that intellectual property management, carried out under conditions of uncertainty and significant financial risks, is currently gaining special importance in innovation activities. The impact of taking into account potential risks is mainly manifested at the early stages of innovation activity – the stage of scientific research, the initiation of innovations, the selection of alternatives to innovative projects. In the proposed model of analysis and assessment of innovation risks, it is necessary to take into account such factors as: the presence of copyrights, the presence of patent protection, the availability of licenses for certain types of activities, the target orientation of the innovation project, the experience of implementing certain stages of the project, etc. These factors significantly affect the degree of risk of an innovative project and the probability of obtaining a positive result during its implementation. In addition, taking into account risk factors allows you to increase the efficiency of the project. The article substantiates that the essence of organizational and methodological support for the management of intellectual activity of industrial enterprises is the formation and use of new technologies and new business models of production, taking into account the intellectual property objects available on them. In this case, methodological support consists in the development of individual competencies of the company's personnel, the provision of new opportunities for the organization of innovative activities within the structure of the enterprise, the availability of intellectual property, the development of management competencies. The effectiveness of methodological support of management decisions in the innovative activity of an industrial enterprise based on the use of intellectual property is determined by the effectiveness of managing directly the objects and results of intellectual property, which are considered as the main tool for ensuring innovation, a prerequisite for all the activities of the enterprise, its sustainable development and increasing competitive advantages. Consequently, the methodological support of management decisions in the field of intellectual property greatly contributes to the development and achievement of new results of innovative activity.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):114-122
pages 114-122 views


Human capital as an effective resource contributing to the region's entry into the trajectory of balanced development

Zatsarinina Y.V.


This study is devoted to the problem of ensuring a balanced innovative development of the region in the current conditions of digitalization based on the development of the most important resource of the economy – human capital. The subject of the study is the quality of human capital on the example of the selected region, as well as organizational and economic relations in terms of human capital management, aimed at achieving a balance in the development of the region. The balanced economic development of the region largely depends on the factors of interest of the economic entities themselves, both moral and material, in achieving an effective result. The main component of economic growth aimed at achieving balanced development is the human resource. Achieving a balanced development in the production, economic and environmental spheres is impossible without achieving a balance in the social aspect, where human capital occupies a key place. Considering a person as the most important factor in achieving a balanced regional development, it is necessary to identify indicators of the balanced development of human capital itself. This study assessed the quality of human capital on the example of the Russian region, the Orenburg region, from the standpoint of balance. The assessment is based on a study of three components: standard of living, education and length of years. Based on the results of the assessment, imbalances in the development of the constituent parts of the human potential of the Orenburg region were revealed: high indicators of income and education indices and a low index of longevity. The low index of longevity is explained by the presence of an imbalance in the level of development of medicine and the unhealthy lifestyle of the population of the region, which is influenced by economic and environmental components, due to the fact that the Orenburg region is an export raw material region. The study analyzed the human development indices of the Orenburg region in comparison with other regions of the Volga Federal District of Russia, established a downward trend in this indicator, which negatively affects economic development indicators and which, of course, was affected by the situation with the Covid-19 pandemic, noted the role of the influence of digital and virtual space on the level of development of human capital in the region under study, the following problems are highlighted: digital inequality, departmental nature of the introduction of information and communication technologies, insufficient development of telecommunications infrastructure in rural areas, which indicates a lack of balance in the development of information literacy of society in a digital economy. The results of the study are of theoretical and practical significance for the regional authorities in terms of developing strategic and policy documents in the field of economics, education, healthcare, aimed at improving the welfare of the population, which will create the necessary prerequisites for the formation of high-quality human capital in the region and the effective use of this resource. In the context of digital integration, when a person serves as a leading link, we consider it necessary to develop a mechanism for regulating a balanced system of health and education indicators by the regional authorities, which, in general, will help the region to reach a common trajectory of balanced innovative development.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):123-130
pages 123-130 views


Classification possibilities of testing methods

Borisova S.P., Тalikina M.E.


When carrying out entrepreneurial activities, it is especially important to assess the ability of counterparties to fulfill their contractual obligations. While the counterparty carries out its activities, there is always the possibility of settling emerging disagreements, but this possibility practically disappears in the event of bankruptcy of the counterparty. Despite a fairly large number of methods for determining the propensity of an entrepreneur to bankruptcy, they do not always give accurate results. In this regard, the issue of trust in these methods is important. To solve this problem, it is advisable to use simulation modeling, which allows you to explore systems of any nature. In this scientific study, using simulation modeling, the analysis of the results of testing of various kinds, including testing enterprises for a tendency to bankruptcy, is carried out. The results of PCR testing for a new coronavirus infection are also being analyzed. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the use of simulation modeling of the contingency table of the studied data set for the analysis of test results. The test results are presented in the form of a contingency table. With the help of simulation modeling of the contingency table, the percentage of correctly and incorrectly predicted results by the model is determined, which makes it possible to significantly improve the accuracy of test results.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):131-137
pages 131-137 views

On the theory of interaction of related economic systems

Ilyina E.A., Saraev L.A.


In the published article the process of interaction of several related economic systems, which, on the one hand, compete with each other for fixed assets, the necessary human capital and natural resources is examined. On the other hand, they complement and develop each other and form a single complex within which joint goods are produced, goods, services and financial resources are exchanged, etc. An economic-mathematical model of the dynamics of development and interaction of related economic systems is proposed, taking into account both their competition for resources and their cooperation in the production of joint benefits. This model is a system of non-linear differential equations, which are used to calculate indicators of the dynamics of development of related systems of the economy. The values of these indicators depend on the ratio of investment investments in the production of economic systems and their depreciation deductions for the restoration of resources and costs. The peculiarity of the presented model is that the production function of each economic system containing as arguments not only its own production factors, but also the resources of all other considered related economic entities. It is shown that by controlling the choice of the rates of accumulation of internal investments of economic systems, it is possible to obtain various options for their interaction. With a certain choice of accumulation rates, economic systems can operate independently of each other. Under other norms, some systems of the economy become independent and backbone, while the rest of the systems are subsidized.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):138-147
pages 138-147 views

Problem statement and selection algorithm of mutually agreed management decisions by the production project participants

Nechitaylo A.A., Gnutova A.A., Priadilnikova N.V., Deptsova T.Y., Nechitaylo S.A.


The article presents an algorithm for choosing mutually agreed management decisions in the implementation of a production project, which allows orienting the interests of the project participants to the interests of the customer in order to increase the efficiency of the project task and the implementation of the project as a whole. The proposed article proposes an economic and mathematical model for choosing mutually agreed management decisions for the "customer-executor" system, taking into account various restrictions. The features of this model are considered, it is shown how an agreed mechanism for stimulating participants in the implementation of the project affects the participants pursuing their goals. Using flowcharts, the actions necessary to ensure the guaranteed result of the customer and the algorithm for the formation of mutually agreed management decisions during the implementation of production projects are shown. A solution to the problem of choosing such coordinated management decisions that will be optimal for all project participants is obtained, taking into account the fact that each of the participants pursues their own goals, which do not always coincide with the goals of the customer. As a result, the scheme proposed in this article for choosing mutually agreed management decisions in the implementation of a production order allows directing the interests of individual project participants to the interests of the customer, thereby increasing the efficiency of the system as a whole.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):148-155
pages 148-155 views

An algorithm for organizing long volatility trading based on a delta-neutral strategy

Plotnikov A.P., Shishlov R.A., Arsenov V.V.


The article is devoted to the problem of automation of long volatility trading in the financial market using delta-neutral trading strategies. Most operations on them, as a rule, are performed manually, which makes them less systematic and vulnerable to the negative influence of the human factor (emotions, tardiness of actions, erroneous submission of applications, etc.). To solve this problem, the article proposes a unified algorithm for a delta-neutral strategy, taking into account several parameters for long volatility trading through transactions with futures on underlying assets and options on these futures. For greater clarity, the algorithm is supplemented with a diagram made in BPMN 2.0 notation.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(3):156-173
pages 156-173 views

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