Vol 28, No 1 (2022)
Historiography of history of Soviet school everyday life
Authors present an overview and analysis of publications of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods of the historiography of Soviet school everyday life. The authors note that in the Soviet period, a significant part of the scientific work focuses on the determining and leading role of the party in the field of school education, the promotion of advanced pedagogical experience in teaching and education, as well as solving the practical problems of public education. In the 1990-ies general education school and school everyday life become objects of interdisciplinary research for scientists representing various scientific fields: historians of education, teachers, philosophers, sociologists, culturologists, etc. It is noted that in the total volume of publications devoted to the everyday life of the school, teachers and students of the Soviet era, scientific works performed by historians make up an insignificant number. The daily life of the Soviet school and Soviet teachers becomes an independent topic for study by Russian historians and representatives of other scientific fields only in the early 2000-ies. However, historians still turn more often to the analysis of state policy in the field of school education, the training of teachers, school history education in the Soviet period, etc. The results of our analysis show that scientific articles, monographs and theses devoted to the topic of school everyday life and everyday life of a teacher of the Soviet era are much less than scientific papers on children’s everyday life. This circumstance, of course, determines the relevance and necessity of comprehensive studies of everyday life of Soviet school, especially on the materials of individual regions of the country.
Women’s diplomacy in the XVI century France: the example of Louise of Savoy
This article is dedicated to researching the women's diplomacy in France in the first half of the XVI century from the perspective of gender history. Despite the fact that ambassadorial offices were mostly occupied by men, women could still perform as diplomats both officially and informally. The image of a woman as a politician is revealed on the example of diplomatic activity of Duchess of Angoulême Louise de Savoy, mother of Francis I de Valois. The article determines her position among the power elites from contemporaries' point of view. The article also reveals the role of a high-ranking lady in exercising diplomatic functions and highlights the features of the official correspondence form of the king's mother. The main directions of foreign policy during the regencies of Louise of Savoy are determined. The role of royal women in exercising diplomatic functions in relation to the political aspects of making the «Ladies' Peace» in 1529 in Cambrai is considered. The author concludes that personality factors, political authority and personal relations played a major role in women's diplomatic work. In the conditions of instability of the French crown, Louise of Savoy manages to avoid the political and economic crisis in the country and create a unique precedent in the sphere of foreign affairs. This allowed her successors to expand diplomatic networks further by continuously conducting correspondence. Apart from concluding traditional dynastic alliances, diplomatic activity included negotiations, carried out by ladies either through trusted ambassadors or in person, signing peace agreements, and forming their own female diplomatic clientele.
Border barons and Royal justice: The Dacres trials in 1525, 1534
This article compares the trials against two members of the Dacre family, the Barons of Dacre – Thomas and William. The relationship between the monarch and the nobility has traditionally been considered one of the key moments in the development of states in the Middle Ages and early modern times. Subordinating the aristocracy and restricting its independence is seen as one of the main goals of royal policy. Both Dacres held important posts in frontier administration, acting as Wardens of the Border Marches on the Scottish border. In addition, the Dacres owned vast tracts of land in the northern counties and were one of the most powerful families in northern England. A comparison of the two trials thus sheds light on royal politics in the northern lands, the relationship of the Dacre family of Gillsland to the Tudor monarchy and their place in the social microcosm of the Anglo-Scottish frontier. The study is based on an analysis of the public papers of the early Tudor era: the correspondence and records of court proceedings. As the study shows in the trials of 1525 and 1534, the Crown did not seek to wipe out the influence of the Dacres barons entirely, but to limit it by punishing them for their neglect of royal laws and excessive autonomy. At the same time, the initiative to persecute the Dacres came from the provincial gentry, those with whom the barons, for various reasons, failed to deal. The Crown was only responding to these challenges.
Socialist Revolutionary party and the Second International
The path of the Socialist Revolutionary party to the Second International was a thorny one. Russian social democrats were zealous in creating obstacles, primarily their representative in the International Socialist Bureau (IBS) G.V. Plekhanov. His efforts to the Socialist Revolutionary groups in the 90-ies of the XIX century denied the right of representation in the international socialist community. European political parties were mentally closer to the RSDLP, and their socialist competitors were wary. The Socialist Revolutionary had to work hard to convince the parties of the International of their adherence to the ideas of socialism and of the presence of connections with the masses. The Socialist Revolutionary Party established close contacts with the SME in 1901, and at the Amsterdam Congress (1904, August) achieved what it wanted, it was accepted into the Second International. The reports of the party to the Amsterdam and Stuttgart congresses of the International served as evidence of the mass character, adherence to the ideas of socialism. The leaders of the Socialist Revolutionaries, their emotional and verbose representative in the SME I.A. Rubanovich, took an active part in all the events of the International; the party became an equal member of the international socialist community. During the Basel Congress of 1912, her representative on the «commission of five» most influential parties was one of the compilers of the anti-war «Manifesto» of the International, supported by the socialists of the world. During the First World War, only a part of the party defended the ideas of internationalism. The III Congress of the Social Revolutionaries in the spring of 1917 called for the continuation of the war to a victorious end and the restoration of the II International.
Socio-cultural image of the outstanding representatives of the Samara (Kuybyshev) medical intelligentsia in the post-war period
The distinguished representatives of the Samara (Kuibyshev) medical intelligentsia made a great contribution to the development of Russian medicine. The analysis of the social and cultural aspects of the formation of the leaders of major scientific and pedagogical school functioning at Kuibyshev Medical Institute named after D.I. Ulyanov makes it possible to identify value priorities, views, the development of professional motivation, attitudes to colleagues and patients. The examples of lives of the founders of the proctology school, A.M. Aminev, the ophthalmology school, T.I. Eroshevskij, the otorhinolaryngology school, I.B. Soldatov, helped to single out the main features of their socio-cultural image. Both published and unpublished documents which are kept in the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Central Archive of the Samara region, Samara State Medical University archive and in the personal archives were used for the research. In the course of the conducted study it was proved that high professionalism, commitment, constant scientific search, the developed sense of civic duty and responsibility, care for the patients served as the foundation of the great contribution to the Soviet medicine, of the achievement of significant medical discoveries and the formation of the Kuibyshev Medical University scientific and pedagogical schools.
Assessment of local self-government reform with intercity division of Samara in 2015–2020 from perspective of its participants and the population
A reform of local self-government was initiated in Samara in 2015 through the creation of formally independent municipalities in the regional center – those were the intracity districts that had their own representative bodies, Councils of Deputies and the heads of intracity districts elected by them. This model was a part of federal legislation, but was only implemented in three cities of Russia – Chelyabinsk, Makhachkala and Samara. The rest of the subjects of the Federation refused it. Thus, the implementation of the reform was, in fact, an experiment. In 2019–2020, before the duties of the elected first convocation Councils of Deputies of the Samara inner-city districts were completed, the author, who at that time was the chairman of the Committee of Local Self-Government of the Samara State Duma, initiated an analysis of the results of the reform, which gave a lot of factual material. One of the areas of analysis was an anonymous survey of deputies of Samara district councils, heads of territorial public self-government (TPS) and a sociological survey of the population of Samara about the effectiveness of the created model of local self-government. It became obvious that the reform did not achieve its declared goals – bringing authorities closer to the people. The survey results are presented in this publication.
Online design in the content of vocational training of future social work specialists
The article presents an analysis of the results of training future social work specialists in social design. In the context of the pandemic, it was not possible to implement social projects of students in the traditional forms of various events (promotions, holidays, conversations, trainings, etc.). These projects were presented as concepts of students' project activities. However, online projects have been implemented, based on information and communication technologies that allow indirect communication with the target audiences of the projects. These forms are innovative in the social design of future social work specialists. Among the forms of online projects are: online lecture, online quiz, chat bot. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the theoretical foundations of the forms of online projects are concretized. A survey of students and interviews with the authors of online projects made it possible to identify the features of the implementation of the forms of online projects of future social work specialists. The observation made it possible to concretize the teacher's communication strategies to optimize the implementation of online project forms in the professional training of future social work specialists.
Organization of research activities of cadets of fire-technical specialties in the process of teaching mathematics
The article considers the issue of the formation of research competencies of future fire and techno sphere safety engineers in the process of teaching mathematical disciplines. It is proposed to organize the research activities of cadets, taking into account the principles of practice-oriented teaching. The methodological basis of the research is based on the key provisions of a practice-oriented approach to teaching mathematics, modern methods of scientific and pedagogical research, requirements for the level of development of research competencies among future rescue engineers. The structure of the research activity of cadets in the process of teaching mathematics is presented in the form of four components: motivational, cognitive, activity-based, reflexive. The characteristics of each component from the point of view of practice-oriented learning are given. The types of research activities that contribute to the formation of research competencies of cadets of fire-technical specialties in teaching mathematics are indicated, the goal and educational tasks of performing each type of activity. Requirements for the subject matter, the content of term papers and research work in teaching mathematics to future fire safety engineers are formulated. The examples of assignments for the course work in the discipline "Probability theory and mathematical statistics" are given. A fragment of tasks for research work in higher mathematics for cadets of the specified specialties is presented. The specifics of assessing the level of formation of cadets' readiness for research activities in the study of disciplines of mathematical training cycle are indicated. Incentive and operational criteria are dominant. Based on the results obtained, the goal of the practice-oriented research activity of cadets of fire-technical specialties in the process of teaching mathematics was formulated. The conditions that favor the formation of practice-oriented research competencies of a fire and techno sphere safety engineer in the study of mathematical disciplines are indicated.
Structure of university teacher readiness for the inclusive education implementation in the digital transformation context
The relevance of the study is determined by the trend of integrating digital technologies into the educational process of students of various categories, including those with disabilities and disabilities. A special category of students involves a certain didactic support of the educational process in the framework of the implementation of inclusive education. The functionality of teachers is changing, taking into account institutional changes in the theory and practice of the educational process, due to both the objective needs and demands of society, and personal and professional needs of the students themselves. The article deals with the problem of the implementation of inclusive education by the university teachers in the context of digital transformation, the structure of the university teacher's readiness for the implementation of inclusive education is given.
Image of an officer of the National Guard as a means of protection from information provocations
The article examines the features of the current concept of «image of an officer of the National Guard troops». After the formation of the National Guard troops, the image of military personnel and officers who perform tasks to preserve the integrity of the state, protect public order, and protect citizens during mass events was not fully formed in society. There is a need to develop a positive image of the law enforcement forces in society as a guarantor of maintaining order in the country. A lot of responsibility lies with the officers of the troops making important managerial decisions. Competent management of subordinates is impossible without regulation of their own behavior, especially in conflict and extreme situations. In the context of provoking military personnel to commit unlawful actions, possessing stability among officers will help to monitor their activities and timely carry out preventive measures against subordinates. The analysis of research confirmed the importance of possessing this state. Foreign authors pay attention to the isolation of the military organization and the importance of training qualified personnel officers who are able to make balanced and optimal decisions when leading subordinates, the importance of possessing stress resistance to negative factors in the performance of activities is considered. Domestic authors pay attention to the importance of developing the officer's personality, instilling a corporate culture that contributes to effective interaction and increasing the prestige of military service. During a survey among officers of the National Guard troops, resistance to information provocations is indicated as an integral component of the image of the law enforcement officer. Analysis of the obtained data made it possible to determine the possibilities of developing resistance to information provocations. The most productive in this process may be the development and conduct of a training course aimed at developing resistance to information provocations of officers, followed by testing and inclusion in military-political training of military units and units of the national guard troops.
Teaching the Russian verb to Chinese philology students: functional-grammatical and methodological aspects
Russian verb teaching experience to foreign (Chinese) philology students revealed the main difficulties in understanding topics related to the system of the Russian verb and its grammatical categories. These difficulties are due to a complex process of interaction between verb grammatical categories, grammatical and lexical meanings, grammatical form and context, and the general situation of speech. In terms of such interaction, various uses of verb forms, contexts allowing interchangeability of grammemes, as well as grammemes functioning in the meaning of another one are created. In the course of verb forms functioning implicit grammatical meanings easily recognized by a native speaker occur in the text but these forms are particularly problematic for foreign students. In the methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, researchers and textbook authors generally focus on the category of aspect and on verbs of motion. Other grammatical categories of the verb attract scientists to a far lesser extent. Implicit narration meanings particularly lack attention. The purpose of this study is a comprehensive analysis of all the difficult cases associated with the verb, its grammatical categories and forms. Data obtained in the course of the study will be considered in the practice of teaching RCT and moreover it will give an opportunity to eliminate all the difficulties. Methods of observation, description, transformation, survey, functional and semantic analysis were used in the course of the study. Extracts from the Russian writers' texts selected from the National Corpus of the Russian Language provided the main language material. The research conducted suggests the tools for the development of foreign students' skills and abilities that will allow them to perceive implicit meanings expressed by verbal forms and to integrate their knowledge into speech. This requires a system-functional approach to teaching the discipline, involving various functionings of verb forms as well as rich lexical material. Besides, students’ additional efforts, a high level of language proficiency, a certain cultural level, and background knowledge will be necessary.
On comparison as a means of figurative interpretation of reality
The article is devoted to the analys
The article is devoted to the analysis of functioning of the union comparative construction, which includes the image of a child as an object of comparison. The construction in question is analyzed in several varieties: comparative turnover and subordinate clause of the comparative type. The novelty of the approach to the analysis of the functioning of the structure lies in the consideration of semantic and pragmatic role of each of the three elements of comparison, their interaction in the expression of the actual meaning. As a result of the study, the composition of the subjects of comparison has been established, in relation to which the image of the child acts as an object of comparison (adult, communities, animals, natural phenomena, objects, abstractions), the dominant role among them is that of an adult. The model of the construction, which includes multicomponent situations as a subject and object of comparison, is revealed, its semantic and functional specificity is shown. The ways of expressing comparison in the composition of the comparison object are compared (The name of the comparison base depends on the name of the comparison object: you're like an unreasonable child) and as part of the subject of comparison (The name of the basis of comparison depends on the name of the subject for comparison: you are unreasonable, like a child). (The name of the basis of comparison depends on the name of the subject of comparison: you are unreasonable, like a child). It is shown that in the absence of an explicit basis of comparison (you are like a child) it is induced by the context or modeled based on the recipient's knowledge of the child in all its aspects and connections. The role of the object of comparison is revealed, which consists in clarifying, visualizing the actual feature. The universal possibilities of the comparative construction in the actualization of any component of the structure of the child's image are shown. The conclusion is substantiated that the wide possibilities of this image as an object of comparison are due to the rich content of the concept and the ability of consciousness to creatively transform knowledge about the child, taking into account the nature of the subject of comparison.
is of functioning of the union comparative construction, which includes the image of a child as an object of comparison. The construction in question is analyzed in several varieties: comparative turnover and subordinate clause of the comparative type. The novelty of the approach to the analysis of the functioning of the structure lies in the consideration of semantic and pragmatic role of each of the three elements of comparison, their interaction in the expression of the actual meaning. As a result of the study, the composition of the subjects of comparison has been established, in relation to which the image of the child acts as an object of comparison (adult, communities, animals, natural phenomena, objects, abstractions), the dominant role among them is that of an adult. The model of the construction, which includes multicomponent situations as a subject and object of comparison, is revealed, its semantic and functional specificity is shown. The ways of expressing comparison in the composition of the comparison object are compared (The name of the comparison base depends on the name of the comparison object: you're like an unreasonable child) and as part of the subject of comparison (The name of the basis of comparison depends on the name of the subject for comparison: you are unreasonable, like a child). (The name of the basis of comparison depends on the name of the subject of comparison: you are unreasonable, like a child). It is shown that in the absence of an explicit basis of comparison (you are like a child) it is induced by the context or modeled based on the recipient's knowledge of the child in all its aspects and connections. The role of the object of comparison is revealed, which consists in clarifying, visualizing the actual feature. The universal possibilities of the comparative construction in the actualization of any component of the structure of the child's image are shown. The conclusion is substantiated that the wide possibilities of this image as an object of comparison are due to the rich content of the concept and the ability of consciousness to creatively transform knowledge about the child, taking into account the nature of the subject of comparison.
Nouns of religious semantics on -nie in the Russian language of the XVIII century: lexico-grammatical and semantic aspects of analysis
The article deals with the history of religious style formation in the Russian language. In the article in the lexico-grammatical and semantic aspects, the names of nouns of religious semantics on -nie are considered, recorded in the XVIII century Russian lexicographic works of civil press, which provide detailed representation of confessional vocabulary: The Church Dictionary by archpriest Peter Alekseev (1773–1794), The Short Slavic Dictionary by abbot Evgeny (Romanov) (1784) and The Dictionary of the Russian Academy (1789–1794). The relevance of the study is due to the absence to date of special linguistic studies related to the study of the names of nouns of religious semantics on -nie, as well as functional significance of this class of words for the formation of religious style of the Russian language of the XVIII century. The work used methods of stylistic, grammatical, thematic, etymological analysis, as well as methods of semantic field and component analysis of dictionary definitions. In the course of the study, the semantic features of religionyms-substances on -nie were described, their lexico-grammatical categories and thematic groups were described, within the framework of these groups neoplasms of the 18th century were revealed. It is shown that the names of nouns of religious semantics on -nie firmly took their place in the lexical system of the religious style of the Russian language of the XVIII century, expressing both specific and non-specific (abstract and collective) lexico-grammatical meanings. It has been established that most of the derivatives considered belong to the lexico-grammatical category of abstract names denoting an abstract positive or negative action in spiritual and moral terms. At the same time, it was noted that the semantics of the names of nouns of religious semantics on -nie in the Russian language of the XVIII century was in a state of its active formation, characterized in most cases by complexity, which is manifested in the presence of several partial not only homogeneous, but also heterogeneous types of lexico-semantic meanings.
Specificity of formation of English discourse sense system multimodality and its integrative functional analysis
The article is devoted to the analysis of English discourse sense space formation with the help of multi-level resources and modes, each of which offers its own options and limitations. Language means used in a certain discourse form meanings that, under the influence of pragmatic and extralinguistic factors, are transformed into broader sense. The communication process also involves various non-verbal means that enrich represented meanings, which can affect the discourse integral sense and the result of communication as a whole. Linguistic (verbal) and non-linguistic (non-verbal) means of sense representation correlate and complement each other; this leads to structuring of multimodal plane, hierarchically organized and encoding certain functional areas. The objective of the article is to study multi-level speech units and relations (links) between the constituents of English discourse that form meanings and senses from the perspective of the integrative functional paradigm. The application of this scientific methodology to the research of discourse is relevant and appropriate, since the integrative analysis helps understand how synergetic interaction and functioning of a certain set of linguistic and non-linguistic means and factors lead to a comprehensive representation of the semantic and pragmatic potential of discourse and formation of its multimodal sense space. The main research methods are integrative functional analysis and discourse analysis. The results of the study reveal the dependence of formation of a multimodal sense system on interaction of discourse language data with extralinguistic information and factors, as well as on the pragmatic potential of the discourse itself. This leads to higher-level modelling of language processes, which the integrative functional paradigm helps comprehend and characterize.
Speech portrayal of a PR officer as a means of artistic expression (based on the material of Christopher Buckley's novels)
A lot of research is devoted to both the language of advertising and politics and a character`s image in the works of fiction, respectively. However, some issues related to the specificity of PR officers' work regarding public relations as a separate form of business different from advertising or marketing practices might require some clarification. In the present article the author concentrates, in particular, on the determination of types of stylistic means and other means of artistic expression in the speech of a particular character, as well as on the formation of speech portrayal of a specialist in the field of public relations. In addition, the article concerns itself with considering the functions of such specific linguistic and phraseological units, and stylistic, syntactic and graphic means that may be typical of the speech of the same character in several novels by Christopher Buckley. Using the material of such novels as ‘No Way to Treat a First Lady’ and ‘Thank You for Smoking’, the author seeks to analyse Nick Naylor’s speech in order to see how consistently his speech portrayal is constructed in the two novels and to what extent his profession defines him as a person. As far as the theoretical background of the article is concerned, the author relies on and does research into the following issue: is it possible to challenge the research results stating the correspondence of a character’s speech characteristics to his work environment and employment sphere? In addition, the author gives credit to the research of the Russian linguists for investigating philological aspects of advertising texts production and word play.
Revolutionary discourse as the subject of the image in the «Demons» by Dostoevsky
The subject of the research in the article is the Russian revolutionary political discourse as an object of artistic reflection. The analysis was carried out on the material of the «most political» novel by F.M. Dostoevsky «Demons». The main method of research is semiotic analysis, which revealed the totality of the basic values and challenges of the revolution in Dostoevsky's interpretation: the categories of revolutionary political power (a new person and his main attribute – self-will, a new society, «friends» and «enemies» of the revolution), the strategies of the revolutionarist's speech behavior and revolutionary genres. The various image focuses used by Dostoevsky – from the grotesque to the tragic – allow highlighting many acute problems of Russian history, from which it is easy to draw a parallel to the problems of modernity.
Professor S.B. Bernstein and Slavic studies in the XX century
The article traces the life, pedagogical and scientific way of the Soviet and Russian Slavicist S.B. Bernstein, the role of the outstanding scientist in the revival of Slavic studies in the USSR. The urgency of the topic is determined by the importance of assessing the state of Slavic studies in the Soviet period and the role of professor S.B. Bernstein in the formation of Slavic studies in the XX century. The object of the research is organizational, scientific, and pedagogical activities of S.B. Bernstein aimed at the revival and development of Soviet Slavic studies. The aim of the article is to show the role of organizational and scientific activities of the outstanding Soviet and Russian Slavicist professor S.B. Bernstein in the context of the history of Russian Slavic studies and its defining trends. The research uses systemic, historical and cultural approaches; comparative and historiographical methods. The article traces in a generalized form the historical path of national Slavic studies. The author outlines the state of Russian Slavic studies of the XIX century, the growth of scientific knowledge in different fields, based on a broad comparative-historical comprehension of the cultural text: in the study of the history of Slavic writing, Slavic folk poetry, Russian literary language of the initial stage, Russian paremiology, etc., characteristic for this stage. Based on the memoirs of S.B. Bernstein and scholars of the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the author shows the state of Slavic studies in the 20-ies-30-ies of the XX century, famous for the persecution of Slavic scholars. The focus of the article is on the 40-ies and the following years of the XX century, during which the revival of Slavic studies with the active participation of S.B. Bernstein took place. The review presents his role in the process of reviving the Slavic Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University, in organizing the Department of Slavic Philology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Institute of Slavic Studies, and in the development of several scientific fields: Soviet Bulgarian studies, Cyrillic-Methodology, Slavic dialectology and linguogeography, comparative grammar of Slavic languages, ethnolinguistics and Slavic antiquities, etc.
Online movie review as a person-oriented type of discourse
The article examines the features of the presence of a person-oriented type of discourse in the online movie review written in English. Personal discourse in itself covers almost all text types generated by the Internet due to the presence of various verbal and non-verbal means of converging the addressee of the communicative message. The variety of linguistic characteristics of disclosing the inner world of a person, verbal means of expressing interpersonal relations, lexical means of explicating the category of a person and other way of linguistic representation of the author's self determine the consideration of online movie reviews as a person-oriented type of discourse. The aim of this article is to analyze the linguistic means of manifestation the personal discourse in the English-language amateur movie review. The empirical material collected for description, classification and analysis in this paper is based upon a corpus of movie reviews taken from the American review-aggregation website for film and television Rotten Tomatoes. The person-oriented type of discourse is intrinsically inherent in the online movie review due to its fundamentally dialogic nature and the low level of formalization of the communicative message. The analysis of the online movie reviews has revealed that the attributive feature of the deployment of personal discourse in the online movie review is a statement that carries subjective modality. Personal and demonstrative pronouns in conjunction with modal words, verbs and particles are those lexical means which express a subjective attitude towards the film. The explicators of the modal-evaluative meanings in the online movie review are parenthesis and inversion. In addition to emotional and expressive vocabulary, the personal discourse of online movie reviews manifests itself in the widespread use of colloquial vocabulary.
Cognitive dissonance in philological perspective
The article deals with the problem of cognitive dissonance that represents itself as the discrepancy between cognitive bases of communicants, exteriorized at the level of language. Cognitive dissonance may be caused by various reasons, including linguistic ones connected with the inappropriate choice of language means and communicative strategies, as well as social and other extralinguistic factors, which refer to semantic and conceptual incompatibility actualized in human intercourse. As the result, in most cases the communicants tend to eliminate situations of dissonance by various means appropriate and achieve the state of consonance. Within the domain of literary space the potential of language that refers to cognitive dissonance emergence and its further annihilation if possible may be used to produce a certain stylistic effect and produce the aesthetic impact necessary as well as become intellectual stimulus for further inference. The analysis of cognitive dissonance situations represented in the artistic discourse has shown that in the domain of verbal art their creative abilities, both in terms of naturally occurred and intentionally provoked precedents, represented via means of language, can be exploited for the sake of constructing the specific atmosphere of virtual space and artistic images creation, which contributes to the author’s message successful transfer to the reader or listener. This may be confirmed by the results of linguopoetic and linguostylistic investigations, as well as profound philological context analysis, based on integrating linguistic knowledge with knowledge of the world, in which language data are prioritized.
Functioning of Architectural Terms in Fiction (based on the novel The Fountainhead by A. Rand)
The article deals with the functioning of architectural terms in non-professional discourse (based on A. Rand's novel 'The Fountainhead'). The topicality of the research is determined by the growing interest in terminology in general and in art terminology in particular. This interest reflects the increased role of science in modern society. The study of the functioning of architectural terms is the least explored field. Special attention is paid by the authors to non-professional discourse within the framework of which architectural terms perform important functions which, however, have not been studied in detail. The functioning of terms in a work of fiction is a complex process which does not only add the professional touch to the plot of the novel, but which also supplements it with different connotations. The methods of the research include the following: contextual analysis of the functions of architectural terms in the novel, terminological selection, componential analysis based on the analysis of definitions. The functioning of terms in the text of a work of art has demonstrated that, on the one hand, terms share certain functions with words of the general language, and on the other, their main role – the nominative function – turns into the function of figurative thinking and figurative expression, which are the integral functions of fiction. The research has shown that architectural terms in 'The Fountainhead' are characterized by the following parameters: the expansion of the initial meaning of the term, inclusion of the author's meanings in the semantics of the term, the creation of the effect of professional presence, the reflection of the inner world of the characters and the creation of their psychological portraits.
Samara identity in the mirror of advertising and commercial names
The purpose of our research is to identify ways of translating the Samara identity in the system of verbal sign complexes of commercial objects based on the use of the semiotic method. The main object of study is the proper names of shops, cafes, restaurants, salons, industrial and cultural facilities presented in Samara outdoor advertising, as well as brand names whose textual designations include brand identifiers of the territory – iconic names that serve as connotative regional components and provide a mental link with the image of a regional brand. Our research confirms the hypothesis that the Samara identity is built on the basis of a cultural code based on territorial certainty. The key verbal signs represented in the commercial discourse of urban space and forming the identity of the territory in the minds of citizens are toponyms: Samara, Zhiguli, Volga. These brand symbols not only demonstrate a direct toponymic link to the region, but mainly play the role of priority symbols of regional identity as part of numerous conventionally symbolic advertising and commercial names. Based on our research, it is possible to solve the problem of constructing the basic structure of the figurative-mental map of Samara identity on the basis of three key toponyms – symbols of the territorial brand. The spheres of numerous ergonyms and pragmatonyms are formed around each of these symbols, which are widely represented in the advertising and information environment of urban space, have visual contact with the residents of the agglomeration and have a direct impact on the formation of urban identity. Our study is relevant because it allows us to consider the key symbols of urban identity identified by us as material representatives of the symbolic capital of a territorial brand. The central markers of the figurative-mental map of the city perform the function of a verbal semiotic tool – a translator of urban identity, the active use of which in the advertising and commercial discourse of the city of Samara confirms a sufficiently high level of self-awareness of the citizens.
Semantics and specificities of functioning of nouns with augmentative suffixes in informal internet-communication (based on the materials of Russian-speaking blogs)
This article is devoted to the study of non-substantive augmentatives as part of the semantic-derivative category of the intensity of a non-procedural feature in modern Russian. The study is based on data extracted from the General Internet Corpus of the Russian Language (hereinafter referred to as GIKRYA), namely, from its LiveJournal subcorpus. The analyzed material is distinguished by expressiveness, emotionality and evaluativeness, which is reflected in its high linguo-creativity and allows studying not only ordinary, but also potential derivatives. The article analyzes the functional and semantic features of suffixes-augmentators of nouns, highlights the typical meanings of the most productive formants – -ищ-, -ин(а), -уг(а) (орф. -юг(а)), -юк(а). Substantive augmentatives are often used in statements with multiple intensification, interacting in context with lexical markers of feature intensification. The frequency of such use of the studied derivatives allows us to conclude that augmentative suffixes have a weak potential for intensification, and, therefore, should be attributed to the periphery of the semantic-word-building category of intensity.
Review on the collection of articles: Nikolaev A.B. (Ed.) Tavrichesky readings 2020. Topical issues of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St. Petersburg, Tauride Palace, December 10–11, 2020: Collection of scientific articles: in 2 parts. St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2021
The review analyzes the collection of materials of the XIV international scientific conference «Actual problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity» («Tavrichesky readings 2020»), held in St. Petersburg in December 2020. The review considers the topics and problems of the articles included in the collection, as well as questions discussed during the discussions and the round table. The analysis of the activity of the State Duma of the beginning of the XX century occupies the central place of most studies. It is concluded that the materials placed in the collection make a significant contribution to the development of domestic science.