
International regulatory legal acts in the field of combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and similar substances

Bezverkhov A.G., Belyaev I.Y.


The article analyzes international normative legal acts dedicated to combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and similar substances. It has been established that the international system of control over the circulation of drugs and similar substances is built on the basis of three normative legal acts: the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, the United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971 and the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances in 1988. These documents provide for both the principles of combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and similar substances, and specific measures aimed at suppressing their illicit trafficking. A comparative analysis of the normative material of international conventions and Russian criminal law is given in terms of the ratio of prohibited and restricted drugs and substances. This article also examines the universal principles for establishing a registration system for psychotropic substances, as well as for the verification of the activities of scientific laboratories, manufacturers, exporters and distributors whose activities are related to psychotropic substances. The methodological basis of the article is manifested through the formal legal and comparative legal methods. As a result of the study, it was found that domestic control lists include much more narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances than provided for by international conventions. It is concluded that international and domestic law should be reasonably correlated in terms of the number of fixed narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in order to most effectively counter the global drug addiction of society.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2022;17(1):7-12
pages 7-12 views

Procedural agreements in criminal proceedings of foreign countries

Kachalova O.V.


The processes of globalization occurring in the modern world largely determine the processes of legal integration, mutual influence and mutual penetration of national legal systems. One of these trends, characteristic of most modern states, is the proliferation of procedural agreements of various types. When writing the work, such research methods as comparative legal, induction, deduction, analysis, and synthesis were used. The author concludes that objective supranational trends of legal globalization and modernization of criminal proceedings have led to the emergence of various types of procedural agreements in a number of countries. The main features differentiating different types of procedural agreements are the possibility of entering into a transaction regarding the criminal legal qualification, type and amount of punishment; the discretion of the Prosecutor and the court when entering into agreements; the subject and limits of the procedural agreement; the possibility of conducting reduced proceedings on the basis of the agreement; subjects of instigating a procedural agreement; the position of the parties regarding the possibility of concluding an agreement; the necessary completeness and degree of evidence, the need for a trial and its nature, the amount of benefits and preferences provided to the accused (or their absence), the limits of appeal against the decision, etc. Institutional differences between various procedural agreements in terms of their conditional belonging to the classical archetypes of criminal justice – Anglo – Saxon or continental-are the scope of the agreement and the limits of possible compromise. The modernization of the post-Soviet legal space through various legal technologies led to the emergence and development of ontologically different models of procedural agreements in the criminal procedure legislation of the former Soviet republics. In Russian criminal procedure legislation, there are procedural agreements of a continental type that simplify the procedure for considering a case and do not affect the qualification of the offense. Procedural agreements may include a pre-trial agreement on cooperation (Chapter 40.1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure), a special procedure for judicial proceedings (Chapter 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure), and an abbreviated inquiry (Chapter 32.1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2022;17(1):13-23
pages 13-23 views

Obstruction of delivery of health care: criminal and legal analysis

Norvartyan Y.S.


in the article, the author reveals the objective and subjective signs of the crime provided for in Article 1241 “Obstruction of medical care” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). It is concluded that the objective side of the analyzed crime consists in actions (inaction), expressed in various forms of obstruction of legitimate activities of a medical worker to provide medical care, which caused serious harm to human health; b) the consequence in the form of causing serious harm to the patient’s health; c) the causal relationship between the act and the socially dangerous consequence. The author also notes that in order to establish the composition described in Article 1241  of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it does not matter what form of guilt was in relation to the act of obstructing the provision of medical care. The criminal-legal significance has a mental attitude to the occurrence of the consequences indicated in the analyzed composition, i.e. to the fact of causing serious harm to the patient’s health. It must be careless.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2022;17(1):24-28
pages 24-28 views

On the object of crimes committed using information and telecommunication networks, according to the criminal legislation of Russia and Turkmenistan

Korpeyev A.G.


the subject of the research is social relations, which are encroached upon by crimes committed with the use of information and telecommunication networks. This issue is still among the little-studied and requires deep theoretical research, primarily with the use of a comparative legal approach. Based on the legal and technical analysis of the criminal legislation of Russia and Turkmenistan, the author’s vision of the content of the generic, specific and direct (main and additional) objects of the crimes in question is proposed. In addition, the division of the relevant crimes into special and ordinary types is argued. Such crimes committed with the use of information and telecommunication networks that encroach on public (state, national) security and are described in a separate (special) chapter of the Special Part of the Criminal Law are recognized as special. It has been established that common crimes committed with the use of information and telecommunication networks are described by the obligatory presence of both the main and additional objects. It is shown that public safety is a law-protected good, which is always the main or auxiliary goal of crimes committed using information and telecommunication networks.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2022;17(1):29-33
pages 29-33 views

About entrepreneurial risk

Balashova E.G.


the article deals with the issues of understanding the category of “entrepreneurial risk”, since in the theory of entrepreneurial and civil law there are different approaches to interpreting this concept. Relations with the participation of entrepreneurs are social relations, while the latter cannot be reduced solely to relations that need legal regulation (support for citizens in socially unfavorable situations) due to the instability of the rule of law and the adoption of improper decisions by the relevant authorities. The need for state influence does not seem to serve as a criterion for classifying relations as social, depending on the type of social relations, the goals of the state at a particular stage of development, the economic situation, the reaction of the state may be different, as well as the impact on the consequences of adverse situations for members of society. To date, the legislation of the Russian Federation fixes risk as one of the signs of entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, one cannot but agree that any type of activity is somehow associated with risk, which may have various reasons. Risk, accompanying any type of activity, is an obligatory element of entrepreneurial activity and consists in the uncertainty of the position of the entrepreneur caused by macroeconomic situations, domestic and foreign economic policy of the state, geopolitical risks, other factors, which consists in the possibility (often potential) of adverse property consequences caused by both insufficiency of information, changing conditions, and improper assessment of the latter due to various reasons (lack of experience, knowledge, psychotype characteristics and other reasons). Any adverse consequences that are not “objectively (and not subjectively) unavoidable” are classified as entrepreneurial risk, with the exception of those circumstances that 1) are the result of force majeure, 2) or completely depend on the will and actions of the debtor’s management, are the responsibility of the sole executive body to act in good faith and reasonably. As the analysis of judicial practice has shown, the composition of the circumstances defined as “entrepreneurial risk” depends, firstly, on the very fact of carrying out entrepreneurial activity and the general knowledge that any entity engaged in entrepreneurial activity should have, and secondly, specific knowledge in that the area in which this activity is carried out. The presence of risk in relations with the participation of an entrepreneur poses certain tasks for the legislator. If we turn to other branches of law, we can state that the main consequence of the presence of risk in certain respects is the 
minimization of risk, the minimization of negative consequences. Speaking about civil law relations, one can state the focus on a fair distribution of risks depending on the guilt in the occurrence of adverse consequences, the good faith of the person, taking into account the principles of justice, legality and reasonableness. In case of considering business risk issues, the fundamental role is played by the goals of state regulation, determined in accordance with the program of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, and the general principles of business law, such as, for example, protection of the weak side, etc. The consequences of any adverse events affect, first of all, but not only, the entrepreneur’s property sphere.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2022;17(1):34-43
pages 34-43 views

Application of disciplinary penalty: theory and practice

Osipova S.V.


the procedure for bringing employees to disciplinary responsibility is actively discussed by both scientists and practitioners. This article examines the main aspects of the application of disciplinary sanctions. In this work, formal-legal methods were used. The structure of the procedure for imposing disciplinary sanctions, its main stages, is studied. One of the first and most important of these stages is the request by the employer of a written explanation from the employee, after which it is possible to conclude that there is a disciplinary offense. It is emphasized that the establishment of the fact of the existence of a disciplinary offense is the most important aspect investigated by the courts. The author indicates the mistakes made by the employer. The choice of the type of disciplinary sanction is analyzed in detail. Attention is drawn to the illegality of the application of disciplinary measures that are not provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws, charters and regulations on discipline (for example, the imposition of a fine or deprivation of a bonus), as well as the need to take into account the severity of a disciplinary offense, the circumstances under which it was committed, previous behavior of the employee, his attitude to work. Important issues that are also discussed in the article are compliance with the deadlines for bringing to disciplinary responsibility (both from the day a disciplinary offense was discovered and from the day it was committed), registration of the application of a disciplinary sanction and its appeal. The work is illustrated with examples from judicial practice, which testify to the variety of cases of violation of the rights of workers. The author comes to the conclusion that there are both problems of law enforcement and gaps in the current legislation (the absence of a list of facts that must be proven by the employer who applied the disciplinary sanction).

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2022;17(1):44-55
pages 44-55 views

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