Vol 17, No 3 (2022)

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Problems of qualification of illegal manufacture and production of narcotic drugs

Klenova T.V., Andreeva E.A.


the article examines the problems of qualification of illegal manufacture and production of narcotic drugs in conditions, on the one hand, of a high degree of detail of Articles 228 and 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, on the other hand, of the gap of Article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The published judicial positions on the direction of the study are analyzed. The rules of qualification of illegal manufacture and production of narcotic drugs with their subsequent sale are formulated. The concept of the production of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues for the purposes of art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with the recommendation of its consolidation in the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 15, 2006 No. 14 «On judicial practice in cases of crimes related to narcotic drugs, psychotropic, potent and poisonous substances».

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2022;17(3):7-14
pages 7-14 views

Аbout the subject of fraud in the field of computer information: criminal law and criminological aspects

Grigoryan G.R.


Legal and criminological characteristics of the subject and personality of a fraudster in the field of computer information are one of the priority areas of theoretical and applied research of criminal behavior in the field of high technologies. It is concluded that the reduction of the age of criminal responsibility for the commission of crimes under Art. 1596 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, does not solve the problems of the Russian criminal legislation (Article 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and is not consistent with the principles of criminal law. The study of criminological problems of the offender's personality is caused by the insufficiency of the criminal law categories of «general» and «special» subject of the crime; for a deep understanding of the causes of deviant behavior and effective combating of crime, an analysis of the socio-demographic, moral, psychological and other non-legal characteristics of the perpetrators is required. The attention is focused on the socio-demographic characteristics of the personality of a fraudster in the field of computer information. On the basis of official statistics (on the gender and age of fraudsters in the field of computer information, on citizenship, education, occupation and social status of convicts under Article 1596 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), a generalized criminological portrait of the personality of a “computer” fraudster is drawn to effectively prevent this property crime committed in the field of computer information.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2022;17(3):15-23
pages 15-23 views

Mechanism for the approval of a transaction made by an unauthorized person

Povarov I.S.


the article reveals the legal and factual purpose of the construction of subsequent approval by an imaginary representant of a transaction made by an unauthorized person (at the same time, it is indicated that there are no grounds for the indisputable qualification of approval as a circumstance that mediates the change of persons in an obligation), the temporal and subjective aspects of the mechanism of such approval are analyzed (from the point of view of the tautology of the term «subsequent approval», the rationality of the exclusion of discretion in the definition of the figure of the addressee of the expression of will in the case of «reactive» approval, etc.), the question of the variety of ways of expressing approval will is examined (at the same time, the inorganic nature of assessing tacit behavior as a proper variation is emphasized). The methodological basis of the study was made up of general theoretical (formal and dialectical logic) and particular scientific (legal-dogmatic, interpretation of legal norms, comparative legal, etc.) methods. As a result, the author substantiates the expediency of adjusting the legal provisions in the direction of conjugation of general instructions on consent to the transaction and the rules on the subsequent approval of a transaction made by an unauthorized person (when describing the temporal «attributes»), as well as in order to eliminate uncertainty about the current moments of expressing an approving will (circle of addressees, acceptable ways of expressing will, etc.).

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2022;17(3):24-33
pages 24-33 views

Means of protecting the debtor from bringing him to civil liability for non-execution of a court decision

Yakubyak Y.Y.


within the framework of this article, the author considers possible means of protecting the debtor from being brought to civil liability for non-execution of a court decision and defines the procedure for their application. The author concluded that the debtor can apply the following procedural remedies against bringing him to civil liability for non-execution of a court decision: filing an application for postponement or postponement of execution of a court decision (for non-execution of which he is brought to civil liability), filing a claim for postponement or installment payment of the money collected from the debtor amounts, as measures of civil liability, filing objections. The author also defines the period of time during which the debtor must begin to «defend himself» in order to exclude the possibility of satisfying the demands made against him for the recovery of civil liability measures for non-execution of a court decision. The moment of application of remedies will differ depending on the measure of responsibility chosen by the plaintiff (recoverer).

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2022;17(3):34-45
pages 34-45 views

Regionalism of the Italian legal system

Nikishchenkova M.А., Anuchina A.A.


the article is devoted to the consideration of the key features of the Italian legal system. The relevance of the topic in modern conditions is substantiated. The process of formation of two-level legal regulation of public relations in the country is analyzed. The characteristic features of the XIX, XX centuries and the current state of the legal system are considered. Examples of judicial disputes between the federation and individual regions of the Italian Republic are given. A distinction is made between the subjects of competence that are in the exclusive competence of the state, in the joint jurisdiction of the state and the regions and the exclusive competence of the regions. Author's conclusions on the advantages and disadvantages of the legal system in different historical epochs are being developed. The author makes a forecast about the prospects of concluding bilateral and multilateral international agreements with some regions of Italy while stabilizing the international situation. The actual task of the study is to determine the regional lawmaking, its role and the possible application of the Italian experience in the legal system of the Russian Federation.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2022;17(3):46-52
pages 46-52 views

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