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Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.
The materials of the article must contain significant, completed and not yet published results of scientific research.
The text of the article should be structurally divided into sections: introduction, main research, conclusions, bibliography. The structure of the article in English should include the following elements: introduction, main text, conclusion, references.
The abstract (short description of the article) should reflect the main idea of the scientific research, be informative, original and concise. The volume of the abstract is 200-300 words. The abstract should consist of the following blocks: justification of the research, methods, results, conclusion (including confirmation of the scientific novelty of the article).
It is welcome if the abstract in English is more detailed than in Russian. In the English-language abstract, it is desirable to provide an introduction and conclusion (main theses), to disclose the structure of the article, the purpose and main results of the research, as well as the scope of their application.
Keywords are individual terms (words or their combinations) that are essential for understanding the content of the article. The volume of keywords – 5-10 words or phrases without taking into account prepositions, conjunctions, etc.
Tables (figures) should have headings (titles) and end-to-end ordinal numbering within the article, their content should not duplicate the text. The title is placed above the table field (for figures – under the picture). All abbreviations used in the tables and figures (except for the generally accepted ones) are explained in the footnotes. If the text contains one table, figure or formula, they are not numbered, if more than one, then numbering is mandatory.
All illustrative material (graphics, diagrams, photographs) is called drawings, has a continuous ordinal numbering and is presented in black and white.
The names of institutions, state authorities, and international organizations are not abbreviated. All abbreviations and abbreviations must be deciphered at the first use in the text.
Reference list entries
Bibliographic references are included in the body text in Chicago-Style (Author-Date): (
The Bibliography includes only the author's sources. References to sources that are not included in the Bibliography are indicated in footnotes.
The list of all references must be accompanied by their English version and Transliteration. Laws and statutory instruments, court rulings and archive documents are not included into the List of References or translated into English.
Consent for the processing of the author's personal data
The authors are familiar with the consent for the processing of the author's personal data
Consent for processing the author's personal data for distribution
The authors are familiar with the consent for processing the author's personal data for distribution
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