
Kinetic diagram of slow fatigue crack growth. Crack growth
Khibniсk T.A., Koltsoun Y.I.
Impact of smooth part residual stress distribution on additional stresses in case of leading surface plastic deformation
Pavlov V.F., Kirpitchyov V.A., Deniskina Y.A., Semyonova O.Y.
Increasing the reliability of aircraft components by regulating technological residual stress
Kirpitchyov V.A., Vakulyuk V.S., Tchirkov A.V.
Taking account of stress concentration degree when forecasting the fatigue strength of strengthened part
Kirpitchyov V.A.
Forecasting an increment in the parts’ endurance limit due to surface hardening
Pavlov V.F., Filatov A.P., Semyonova O.Y., Sazanov V.V., Mikushev N.N.
Analysis of the results of fatigue tests of cylindrical specimens with fillets using the method of finite element modeling
Vakulyuk V.S.
Fatigue strength prediction of surface - hardened cylindrical specimens of different diameters
Kirpichev V.A., Pavlov V.F., Chirkov A.V., Ivanova A.V.
Analysis of stress distribution in the dangerous section area of specimens with fillets under bending using the finite-element modeling method
Vakuljuk V.S.
The nature of change in the residual stress-strain state of dovetail lock joints, taking into account nonlinear strains
Zhernakov V.S., Mardimasova T.N., Koneva K.V.
Forecasting the endurance limit of shot-strengthened parts with a concentrator by residual stresses of a control specimen
Kirpitchyov V.A., Vakulyuk V.S.
1 - 10 of 10 Items

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