Vol 10, No 7 (2011)
Multichannel blind image deconvolution algorithm
The paper deals with blind deconvolution algorithm for the images distorted in the vector channel. The obtained algorithm is compared to one of the most effective pre-existing algorithms. The article shows the results of the simulation and the images of different noise levels restored by each of the algorithms.
Modeling of high speed flow of particles impact on materials and structural elements of the spacecraft
The impact of micrometeoroids and space debris on materials and structural elements of the open space vehicles in long-term use leads to degradation of their characteristics. For the experimental simulation of the meteor and human impact on the surface of optical glass is designed and manufactured unit, which includes an electro-accelerator system of registering and processing information. Experimental stand allows the following tasks: identify the main mechanisms leading to the degradation of materials; determination of the experimental curves of degradation characteristics of the mass and velocity of the particles.
Mathematical model of fluctuations of the tape in streamers, moving on the vibrating surface and making to-lebanija in two directions
Differential equation of oscillations of the tape, wich moves on a vibrating surface, which makes the mechanical vibrations in two directions. These equations can be the general case to describe the dynamics of magnetic tape, which moves in the mechanisms of transport of tape on the vibrating surface of a magnetic head. They are allowed to define the parameters for an optimal non-contact with simultaneous compensation of instability of strip movement speed.
Computation of solution regularized augmented normal systems of equation by lu-decomposition method
The article presents a comparative analysis of three approaches to the calculation of standard solutions for the Tikhonov regularization problem: Based on the normal system of equations, singular value decomposition and extended the normal system. Comparison is carried out in these classes of problem: joint defined systems with ill-conditioned matrix, systems in which the right-side vector is set with an inaccuracy and the system of deficient engine rank.
FPGA using in systems of automated frequency distribution
Algorithms for calculating the combination components in nonlinear frequency conversion based on Farey series. The approaches that do not use the synthesis of the entire series Farey, allowing to solve the problem of "failure" combination frequencies frequency converter only on the basis of the synthesis of the next component of the nonlinear frequenc operating frequencies conversion systems. Methods for finding the parameters of Raman noise, straight pass through the "failure" point are proposed. We prove that the area of the nomogram, free from interference of combination, is a quadrangle.
Cyclic accelerator of charged particles
The theory, design parameters and construction details of a cyclic accelerator in Zvolen accelerate charged microparticle diameter 0.1 ... 10 mm up to velocities of 25 km / s are presented. The total effective accelerating voltage of 5 MV. The essential difference from the accelerator of the existing is that all of the drift tube of the dynamic circuit made the same, and in-phase motion of the particle to the voltage across the drift tubes is accomplished by forming the accelerating voltage as a function of particle velocity and its specific charge, as well as in cyclic accelerator circuit.
Mathematical model of movement of the tape in streamers in the presence of the warp and non-uniformity of speed of its transportation
Obtained a solution for two-dimensional boundary task of magnetic tape oscillations without considering its mass. In contrast to the previously used controls, the speed of tape pulling and its slip at the entrance to a free area are taken into account.
Dust-impact mass-spectrometer for determination of elemental composition of micrometeorites and space debris particles
The paper discusses an approach to designing dust-impact mass spectrometer for analyzing the composition of micrometeorites and space debris both natural and artificial origin. Two models of devices for the laboratory and space use are considered. Obtained simulation results and recommendations for resolution increase and dynamic range expansion of the studied masses.
Investigation of factors affecting the accuracy of the flow rate of liquid, oil and gas
The article investigates the factors influencing the accuracy of the flow rate of liquid, oil and gas in oil-water mixture. It describes the factors that influence the receipt of sustained regression describe the change in consumption of components of gas-liquid flow. Shown that the inclusion of these factors can significantly improve the accuracy of oil production, water and gas.
Analysis of the effectiveness of predictive models of quality parameters of the chips
The paper proposed a method for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching experiments and predictive models.The main performance criteria proposed by the probability of correct and erroneous decisions, the risks of the consumer and the manufacturer.Analysis of the mathematical models effectiveness to predict quality parameters such as CMOS chips was carried out for space instrumentation devices.
Calculation of parameters of the Deal–Grove model for the oxidation of silicon
By means of mathematical modeling with the use of Mathcad software kinetic coefficients in the Deal-Grove model are determined on the basis of available experimental data for the dry and damp oxidation of silicon. A satisfactory agreement between the results of the modeling and experimental kinetic curves is obtained.
Training experiment at forecasting of quality and reliability of soldered joints of electronic assemblages
The technique of training experiment is resulted at forecasting of reliability and quality of joints of electronic assemblages on the basis of new perspective soldering pastes. Questions of control of informative and predicted parameters are considered. Experimental data on levels of these parameters are received.
Approximation of characteristics of linear displacement inductive sensors using modified Gaussian function with a first order difference argument
The paper deals with approximation of positional characteristic of sensor using modified Gaussian function. In order to decrease the error, approximation function coefficients are calculated separately at every interval of interest.
Research of aperture characteristics of small length optical fibers
In work the experimental research of aperture characteristics of short segments of single- and multimode telecommunication optical fibers on wavelengths of 655-690 nanometers is made. Base mode propagation in a fiber Corning SMF-28e and possibility of mode multiplexing in short communication line is showed. Distribution of optical radiation on a cover of short optical fibers is established.
Forecasting technique of semiconductor diodes quality indicators
Researchers have considered semiconductor devices individual forecasting technique by an extrapolation is resulted. The quasidetermined models choice questions. The method of the least squares is used for models parameters definition. The diodes reliability forecasting model is received. Use results and the model analysis are resulted. Variants of forecasting accuracy increase are offered.
Gas mass spectrometer with a non-linear ion mirror
This article provides a brief description of existing TOF ion focusing methods in mass spectrometers, we compare the mass spectrometer using ion mirrors with linear and nonlinear distribution of axial potential. Researchers have considered the basic equations for the calculation of the ion-optical systems, the results of simulations of two types of spectrometers, the results of calculations depending on the resolution of the instruments of mass and initial energy spread of ions. We derive the advantages of mass spectrometers with nonlinear distribution of axial potential ion mirrors based on these obtained data.
The analysis of methods of protection of onboard equipment of space vehicles from influence of factors of the electrostatic discharge
This article describesclassical methods of protection onboard equipment space vehicles from influence of factors electrostatic discharges by making the homogeneous screen, their merits and demerits. Spectrums of noises which are radiated at the electrostatic discharge are discovered. Researcher have offered are alternative methods of protection onboard equipment space vehicles from influence of factors electrostatic discharges deprived lacks inherent in a classical method. Itresultare recommendations for choice method of protection.
Build-up mathematical model of allocation temperature gas along an axis the channel a torch discharge at interaction with thick-film devices of microassambly
This article analyses questions of build-up mathematical model allocation temperature gas along an axis the channel a torch discharge at interaction with film structures of radio-electronic devices. The cylindrical system of coordinates is applied to model build-up with the beginning in an intersection point of axis torch with exterior flat boundary film. The interacting system is presented in a view «warmed up body of the cylindrical shape - semirestricted file»
Mathematical modeling of interaction a high-frequency torch discharge with construction elements of radio equipment
In this article spent mathematical modeling of interaction a high-frequency torch discharge with design elements of radio equipment type «a thick resistive film». Researchers have explored interaction of torch discharge with film structures. Mathematical expression, which relates all physical and geometrical parameters of system "discharge-film-substrate" and technological parameter, is gained.
The fiber-optical multitouch pressure transducer
Improving on-board control systems aimed at expanding the functional capabilities while reducing the weight and size parameters, increasing reliability and reducing power consumption. The use of pressure sensors based on planar waveguide coated with conduction allows you to create a compact multi-point sensor network to collect and post-processing on the monitored parameters using a limited number fiber-optical data links.
Mathematical modeling of technological production process of thermo-stable resistor – capacity structures
Regression model of the second order of technical processes of the thin-film resistor-capacity structures production with application of mathematical planning methods of extreme experiments has been developed. Technological parameters at which the temperature ratio of constant time structure is equal to zero have been determined.
Measurements of the radial and angular distribution of particles in the accelerator tract
The theory, design parameters and construction details of measurement the radial and angular distribution of particles in the path the accelerator. The results modeling of the target, modeling the electrical circuit charge sensitive amplifier.
Quality forecasting solder joint electronic components
The results of the construction of forecasting models of quality of solder joints of printed circuit assemblies based on solder pastes Cobar XF3+. To construct the models were used regression and software complex "Prognozirovanie 1.3". Examined three steps transform learning results of the experiment: valuation and alignment of controlled parameters, valuation of the expectation, valuation of the variance. Study and a comparative evaluation of mathematical models.
Method of accelerated test research soldered joints surface mount devices
The method of accelerated testing of solder joints of research, described the criteria for refusal of such compounds. The design of the test module. Model is chosen reliability of the solder joint.
Organization of the system franchising in higher education
This article describes the advantages of franchising, suggests ways of integrating the franchise system in higher education, formed the major benefits of franchising in higher education over other forms of cooperation in higher education. Franchising in higher education is presented as a means of competition and how to implement distance learning methods with the use of modern teaching, information technology and telecommunications.