Method of testing the software of spacecraft electronic equipment based on fault injection in the algorithms of orientation and stabilization

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The purpose of the work is to develop and describe a new method of testing spacecraft electronic equipment. The article substantiates the relevance of developing new methods and means of testing on-board electronic equipment of spacecraft based on the intentional introduction of faults for the purpose of testing survivability algorithms. It was shown that carrying out such tests makes it possible to increase the completeness of control and reliability of on-board electronic equipment of spacecraft while simultaneously reducing testing costs. A new method for testing spacecraft software based on fault injection is proposed, which is used to solve the specific task of checking orientation and stabilization modes. The proposed method makes it possible to develop semi-natural models of on-board electronic equipment of increased adequacy and reconfigurability due to the use of programmable logic integrated circuits as the basis of hardware and software complexes. The proposed method is implemented on the hardware and software of a ground-based debugging complex for on-board electronic equipment and is distinguished by the ability to simulate a wide range of on-board electronic equipment, low cost and mobility. All technical solutions described in the article were introduced into the production process when creating modern spacecraft for communications, radio navigation and geodesy.

About the authors

D. A. Nedorezov

Siberian Federal University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Computing Technology, Institute of Space and Information Technologies

Russian Federation

A. I. Postnikov

Siberian Federal University


Candidate of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Computing Technology, Institute of Space and Information Technologies

Russian Federation

A. V. Murigin

Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev


Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor, Head of the Department of Information Management Systems

Russian Federation

A. V. Shnaider

Siberian Federal University


Master Student of the Institute of Space and Information Technologies

Russian Federation


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