Experimental research of the effect of manufacturing holes and defects on the mechanical characteristics of laminated polymer composite

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The paper presents a developed methodology for experimental research of the mechanical characteristics of a laminated polymer composite, taking into account manufacturing holes and defects. The results of experimental determination of mechanical characteristics are presented, the influence of the filler material, the type of fabric fiber weave, holes and manufacturing defects on the mechanical characteristics of laminated carbon fiber reinforced plastic are analyzed. The test specimens were made from carbon fiber 200T, 200P, ACM C300X and binder “Inject SL(B)”. Static tests of specimens for uniaxial tension, compression and three-point bending were performed.

About the authors

A. L. Assi

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: ttukasi@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9926-7896

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Aircraft Construction and Design

Russian Federation

A. V. Boldyrev

Samara National Research University

Email: boldirev.av@ssau.ru

Doctor of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Aircraft Construction and Design

Russian Federation

A. A. Pavlov

Samara National Research University

Email: alex-alex.pavlov@yandex.ru

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Assistant of the Department of Aircraft Construction and Design; Engineer of the Research and Educational Center for Aircraft Construction

Russian Federation


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