Influence of earthquake parameters on tribological properties of friction pendulum bearings (seismo insulators)

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Frictional pendulum bearings (FPB) have the universal properties satisfying various requirements at operation of buildings, bridges and industrial constructions. The dynamic periods of oscillations from 1 up to 5 s, displacement up to 1,5 m, high bearing capacity and damping can be provided. Bearings can maintain vertical loading up to 13,5 thousand tons and have the minimal cost of a structure. In the paper the information on influence of earthquakes and other forces influenced on FPB characteristics, used as seysmo-insulators in oil platforms of the project "Sakhalin - 2" are represented.

About the authors

1 1

Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Moscow

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

1 1

OGS – Energodiagnostika, Moscow

Russian Federation

1 1

Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Moscow

Russian Federation

1 1

Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Moscow

Russian Federation


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