Investigation of hydraulic and vibroacoustic characteristics of a prospective valve with an elastic tubular element used as the working body

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The article deals with the design of an advanced throttle valve with an elastic tubular element designed to reduce the vibration and noise of hydraulic systems upon which strict requirements for vibro-acoustic characteristics are imposed. The analysis of known similar devices is carried out and the design of the throttle valve is justified. A detailed analysis of the strained state of the elastic tubular element is performed and the relationship between the deformations of this element and the hydraulic parameters of the working medium in the flow part of the valve is shown. The experimental flow characteristics of the valve under study are analyzed. The analysis made it possible to identify the parts of the characteristics at which the flow rate remains constant when the pressure differential across the valve changes. This feature of the hydraulic characteristics of a valve with an elastic element is substantiated. Ways of further directions of the prospective valve research are shown.

About the authors

A. N. Kryuchkov

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Science (Engineering)
Professor of the Department of Automatic Systems of Power Plants

Russian Federation

N. N. Romashov

Avrora JSC


Leading Researcher

Russian Federation

M. A. Ermilov

Samara National Research University


Junior Researcher, Department of Automatic Systems of Power Plants

Russian Federation

M. V. Balyaba

Samara National Research University


Postgraduate Student

Russian Federation


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