Multicriterial choice of the best variant of the pulse detonation engine design for aircraft angular stabilization and orientation systems

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The verbal and mathematical formulations of the problem of multicriterion ranging of the pulse detonation  engine design variants were carried out. Using the method of morphological box the morphological table was composed, on the basis of which many possible design variants of the pulse detonation engines were generated. When compiling the morphological table a conception of pulse detonation engines in the form of the following subsystems was considered: detonation chamber, components supply system, initiation system, control system. Eventually as valid options, which were subjected to a study on the firing test bench, we selected twenty variants. The system of criteria for the assessment of the pulse detonation engines design variants (specific thrust, frontal thrust, specific consumption, unit weight, length) was proposed. Criteria values were determined during firing tests. The peculiarities of solving problems by using the methods of "hard" ranging, hierarchies analysis, Borda`s method were discovered. The criterion formation of the true Pareto tuples was formulated. Using the methods of "hard" ranging, hierarchies analysis, Borda`s method, the criterion of the true Pareto tuples formation the applied problems of choosing the best pulse detonation engine variant for three important cases were resolved: - the atmosphere is taken into account, pulse detonation engine suffers the influence of the frontal resistance; - the atmosphere is taken into account, pulse detonation engine is located inside the aircraft and does not suffer the immediate impact of the frontal resistance; - the influence of the atmosphere is not taken into account, only pulse detonation engines without ejector are subject to the analysis. The best pulse detonation engine design variants for different values of the criteria priorities were revealed.

About the authors

V. V. Safronov

«Electropribor» Design Bureau

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor

Russian Federation

V. A. Porshnev

«Electropribor» Design Bureau


Candidate of Science (Engineering)

Chief of the research center

Russian Federation

A. S. Zhebrakov

«Electropribor» Design Bureau, Saratov


Design engineer

Russian Federation


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