Reduction the influence of geometric axes of the skew elements of a pair of valve-saddle on the sealing ability and resource of the valveseal

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Presents the results of the analysis of various ways to eliminate the effect of skewing the geometrical axes element valve system at its output characteristics. In is based on the accounting of engineering-technological and operational factors, with the necessary sealing ability and resource.

About the authors

O. P. Mulyukin

Samara State University of means of communication

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Head of the Engineering Graphics

Russian Federation

V. N. Samsonov

Samara State Aerospace University


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Head of the Department of Technology and Machines, Printing Production

Russian Federation

S. V. Kshumanev

Samara State University of means of communication


Cand. of Technical Sciences

Senior Lecturer of Faculty of the Safety of the Transport of Passengers and Goods

Russian Federation


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