Research of radial face contact seal tightness in the support of the aircraft engine compressor at various operational modes

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In the article the sequence of leakage definition through radial face seal in a support of the compressor for takeoff and cruiser modes is resulted. Certain computational values of leakage (2,4 g/s on a take-off mode and 0,75 g/s on cruiser mode) coincide with available experience of seal designing.

About the authors

A. S. Vinogradov

Samara State Aerospace University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Technical Science

Associate Professor of Department of Construction and Design of Aircraft Engines

Russian Federation

R. R. Badykov

Samara State Aerospace University


Second Course Master

Russian Federation

I. D. Shpakov

Samara State Aerospace University


Second Course Master

Russian Federation


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