Presenting a system of organization management on the basis of functional approach

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Functional approach forms the basis of setting up a system of organization management. The model proposed makes it possible to obtain specified results when setting up an organizational structure which improves the organization’s competitiveness in market environment.

About the authors

1 1

International Market Institute, Samara

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


  1. Фатхутдинов Р. А. Инновационный менеджмент: Учеб. - М.: Бизнес-школа «Интел-Синтез», 2003.
  2. Герасимов Б. Н. Развитие функциональной структуры организации. - Самара: СГЭА, 2003.
  3. Герасимов Б. Н., Морозов В. В. Технологии менеджмента. - Самара: СГТУ, 2002.

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