Justification of geometric parameters of the engine air particle separator
- Authors: Gishvarov A.S.1, Rakhimov A.R.1
- Ufa State Aviation Technical University
- Issue: Vol 21, No 2 (2022)
- Pages: 7-15
- URL: https://journals.ssau.ru/vestnik/article/view/10489
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18287/2541-7533-2022-21-2-7-15
- ID: 10489
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The Engine Air Particle Separator is considered to be the most important element for maintaining the performance of helicopter engines when operating in dusty air conditions. The intensity of erosion of the elements of the gas-air passage of the gas turbine engine depends on many factors: on the hardness and chemical composition of dust particles, on the fractional composition, sand concentration, engine operating condition etc.Therefore, the development of a method for selecting the optimal values of the Engine Air Particle Separator parameters is a complex multi-criteria and multi-factor task. The present document addresses the selection method of optimal values (geometric dimensions) of the Engine Air Particle Separator parameters in aviation gas turbine engines. The methodology includes six main steps. The choice of optimal values of the Engine Air Particle Separator geometrical parameters is accomplished taking into account three partial criteria for the Engine Air Particle Separator efficiency: the degree of air purification, pressure loss and mass. The Engine Air Particle Separator parameters are selected using the Pareto method. An example of choosing the optimal values of the geometric parameters of a cyclone Engine Air Particle Separator is considered.
About the authors
A. S. Gishvarov
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Author for correspondence.
Email: kafedra.ad@mail.ru
Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor
Russian FederationA. Rh. Rakhimov
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Email: mr.abdusattor@list.ru
Senior Lecturer
Russian FederationReferences
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