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Author Guidelines

1. The paper is submitted in one copy laser-printed on one side of a basic standard sheet A4 in the near letter quality mode, as well as in electronic form on e-mail: or by use Online Submissions. The print copy is to be signed by all authors and sent, along with a set of documents, to the address of the editorial board: 34, Moskovskoe shosse,  Samara, 443086, Russian Federation, Samara University, to executive editor of the journal “Vestnik of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering” Prokhorov A. G.

2. The text of the paper is presented in the Microsoft Word format prepared according to the following requirements:

  • The size of the paper - up to 10 pages of A4; 
  • The margins of the text - 2.5 cm on each side; 
  • The fonts- Times New Roman, Symbol, point size 12;
  • Single line spacing; 
  • The indenture of the first line of a paragraph-1cm; 
  • Page width alignment;   
  • The pages are to be numbered. 

The name of the file is identified by the last name of the first author: Ivanov.doc (*.docx).

3. Pictures, formulas and tables in the text are admissible. Picture captions and captions to tables are obligatory. 

   3.1. Pictures  can be created by the Microsoft Word/Excel means or presented in formats JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG. Pictures can be placed both in the text of the article and in separate files. The picture caption is to begin with the word “Fig.” and the sequence number; is placed below the picture with center alignment, in italic type, point size-10. To refer to a picture in the text of the article an abbreviation should be used, e.g. fig.1. 

   3.2. To typeset mathematical expressions and formulas Math Type should be used according to the following requirements: 

All special symbols in the text of the article are to be typeset in mathematical editor.
The use of inserted Microsoft Word symbols in typesetting mathematical expression and formulas is inadmissible.
Formulas are to be printed beginning with a new line; they are numbered sequentially as they appear in the text. Only the formulas referred to in the text are to be numbered. The number of the formula and reference to it in the text are designated by a number in round brackets: (1), (2), (3). Long formulas can be broken into lines.

The table head begins with the word “Table” and its sequence number; it is placed over the table with left alignment, point size- 10. To refer to a table in the text an abbreviation should be used, e.g.

4. The abstract of the paper (in Russian and in English) should be informative (contain no broad terms), content-related (reflect the main content of the paper and the results of the investigation), structured (follow the logic of the description of the results in the paper). The author’s abstract is to describe the main objectives of the investigation; explain the procedure of carrying out the investigation (without methodological details); summarize the most important results and their significance. The recommendable size of the abstract is 150-250 words. The abstract should not contain references to literary sources, abbreviations and formulas. The abstract in English should contain English-language special terminology in the subject of the publication.  

5. The Reference is given in the Russian and English languages as separate lists
Literary sources are presented in the order of using them in the text of the paper in the form of a numbered list. References to literary sources are given in square brackets and separated by commas or dashes, for example, [1-3], [1,2,5].
All the authors should be presented in the bibliographical description of each source.   
Materials that have not been published cannot be included in the reference list. 
It is advisable to check the correctness of the sources cited (title of the publication, authors, output data etc.) on sites of journals (publishing houses), citation bases (RSCI, Scopus, Web of Science etc.); to cite only the existing sources. Giving citations and borrowing from unverified sources is unacceptable


6. Each paper should contain the following data in Russian and in English (on the structure of the typescript):

  • The title of the paper (point size 12, all capital letters, bold face);
  • The author(s)’initials, the author(s)’ last name (point size 12);
  • The name of the organization (without abbreviations);
  • The abstract (point size 10);
  • Key words (each key word or word combination is separated from another one with a semicolon) (point size 10, italic type); 
  • The text of the article (point size 12) (the text can be broken into sections: Introduction,…Conclusion);
  • Reference list (References) (heading point size 12, bold face);
  • Information about the authors: academic degree, academic rank (with the indication of the division), organization, e-mail.

The English-language block containing the name of the article, the authors’ names, the name of the organization, the abstract, key words, the reference list, information about the authors is given as a separate section following the information about the authors in the Russian language.

7. A set of accompanying documents is enclosed with the text of the paper: 

  • An application of the organization (if the authors do not work at Samara University) on the company’s letterhead signed by its Head or Deputy for Science and authenticated with the seal;
  • Expert report concerning the possibility of the paper being released to the public;  
  • Contact information (not published in the journal): last name, first name for each author; office contact address and office telephone number.

8. Papers that do not meet the above-mentioned requirements are not admitted for examination. Typescripts and accompanying documents are not returned. The day the editorial board accepts the final text is taken to be the date of receipt of the paper.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

  • This article has not been previously published or submitted for consideration and publication in another journal (or explanation of it is given in the Comments for the editor).

  • The file of the article sent is presented in the document format Microsoft Word.

  • The figures are presented in formats JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG.

  • The text is typeset with single line spacing; the point size of the fonts is 12; all illustrations, graphs and tables are located in the appropriate places in the text, not at the end of the document.

  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographical requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines placed on the page "About the journal".

  • The typescript of the article is prepared according to the requirements described in the Author Guidelines: it contains the title of the article, the authors’ last, first and middle names, information about the authors, the name of the organization, an abstract, key words, the reference list (References) in Russian and in English.


Copyright Notice

Authors retain copyright to their work and provide the right Journal publications are licensed under a CC-By 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License) which permits anyone unlimited download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute, copy and create new materials on their basis, subject to attribution and source.


Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses presented on the site of this journal are to be used only for the purposes specified by the journal and will not be used for any other purposes or supplied to other people or organizations.