Reliability-oriented design of PCM thermodimensionally stable space structures

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The problem of ensuring the specified thermo-dimensional stability of structures from laminated polymer composite materials for the service life period is considered. A method of reliability-oriented design of a thermo-dimensionally stable composite structure is proposed, according to which its design parameters are set with regard to the possibility of obtaining thermal strain properties under specific processing and the changes of these properties for the operational conditions and duration of using the article as intended. Within the framework of the presented approach, the features of design upon the dimensional accuracy and stability criterion when meeting the requirements of strength and stiffness are discussed, an algorithm of a packaged solution of the design task is given.

About the authors

L. A. Klimakova

JSC Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise Technologiya named after A.G. Romashin

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Head of the Design Team

Russian Federation


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