Automation of the process of testing on-board systems of unmanned aerial vehicles

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The article describes the experience of applying the methodology of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) in the organization of ground tests of the on-board equipment complex of unmanned aerial vehicles at Kronshtadt JSC. This methodology was successfully used in the development of various complex control systems such as embedded control systems, digital signal processing, computer vision, radar and communications. The analysis of the on-board equipment testing process using an existing ground test bench was performed, and a method for automating its operation has been proposed. The calculation of economic efficiency was performed.

About the authors

A. V. Kirillov

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor, Department of Aircraft Maintenance

Russian Federation

V. V. Sitnikov

Samara National Research University


Postgraduate Student

Russian Federation

A. L. Tuchin

Kronshtadt JSC


Head of the Testing Team, Department of Test-Bench Equipment

Russian Federation


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