Calculating the parameters of eddy current converters when testing several samples of cylindrical shape


Analytical expression for the vector potential of a secondary electromagnetic field of two elliptical cylinders located in an alternating homogeneous magnetic field is obtained. Leontovich boundary conditions have been used in the process of deriving, with subsequent use of the boundary collocation method. The calculation of the vector potential amounts to the solution of a finite system of algebraic equations. The expression obtained makes it possible to simplify the calculation of the parameters being introduced, i. e. the parameters of eddy-current converters of displacement of samples having discontinuous surfaces.

About the authors

G. M. Gainullina

Samara State Aerospace University

Author for correspondence.

Leading Engineer

Assistant of the General Information Science Department

Russian Federation

A. V. Polulekh

Samara State Aerospace University


Candidate of Technical Sciences

Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Electrical Engineering Department

Russian Federation


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  2. Beytmen, G. Highest transcendental functions [Text] / G. Beytmen, A. Erdeyn. – Moscow: Nauka, – 296 p.
  3. Altschuller, I. B. Calculation of electromagnetic fields in electric devices [Text] / I. B. Altschuller. – Moscow: Energiya, –88p.

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