Computer-aided design of low-thust rocket engines using the domain-specific knowledge database and CAE / CAD systems

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The paper presents approaches to computer-aided design of low-thrust thrust rocket engines using an extensive knowledge base that allows making basic technical decisions that determine the conceptual design of the engine, based on the developed algorithm of this process. The procedure of creating an electronic 3D-model of a low-thrust rocket engine fueled by gaseous oxygen-hydrogen in the environment of the graphical complex UNIGRAPHICS is described. 3D electronic models of the main elements of a rocket engine with a thrust of P = 25 N were obtained, with subsequent virtual assembly of all components, including the components comprised in the knowledge base, providing the development, among other things, of design documentation, creation of a production environment based on an electronic engine model, preparation for the product manufacturing and the manufacturing proper.

About the authors

V. V. Ryzhkov

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Science (Engineering),
Head of the Research and Education Center for Space Power Engineering

Russian Federation

I. I. Morozov

Samara National Research University


Junior Researcher of the Research and Education Center for Space Power Engineering

Russian Federation

E. A. Lapshin

Samara National Research University


Engineer of the Research and Education Center for Space Power Engineering

Russian Federation


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