Analysis of control programs and flight paths of a hypersonic vehicle in climb

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Control programs and flight paths of a hypersonic vehicle in climb are analyzed. Two approaches to solving the task of determining the control programs and flight paths are identified: the “traditional” approach and the “optimization” one. The “traditional” approach implies specifying a typical mission profile of a hypersonic vehicle. In order to maximize the specific impulse (optimize the performance of the propulsion system) the vehicle moves along the line of peak dynamic pressing. In the case of the “optimization” approach the minimum fuel problem is stated and solved using the method of Pontryagin’s maximum principle. It concerns the mass of fuel consumed in hypersonic acceleration. Optimal control programs and optimal flight paths are determined. The results of modeling the motion of a hypersonic vehicle with angle-of-attack schedules corresponding to the “traditional” and “optimization” approaches are presented and discussed. It is established that less fuel is consumed in the case of optimal control, which is accounted for by more efficient use of the hypersonic vehicle aerodynamic performance due to direct control of the angle of attack.

About the authors

V. L. Balakin

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor
University Administration Counselor

Russian Federation

M. M. Krikunov

Samara National Research University


Candidate of Science (Engineering)
Senior Research Associate

Russian Federation


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