Evaluation of turbine rotor blade life taking into account static and thermal cyclic loading

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The existing methods of evaluating turbine life, taking into account the effects of static and thermal cyclic loading, are based on experimental data. The need for cost- and labor-intensive experiments makes this approach difficult to apply. This brings up a crucial task of calculating the life of a turbine blade, taking into account the interaction of static and thermal cyclic loading. The classical methods based on the hypothesis of continuity do not allow calculating the strength and thermo-physical properties of a material. This problem is solved by the transition to the models of the behavior of materials from the continuity hypothesis to the account of the inter-atomic forces at the level of an elementary atomic cell. This approach makes it possible to calculate strength, elastic and thermo-physical parameters of structural elements theoretically and semi-empirically. These parameters are used as the initial data in calculating the stress-strain state of gas turbine engine elements. They are required to calculate creep strain semi-empirically. In its turn, the ultimate creep strain is a criterion for both static and thermal cyclic loading, which makes it possible to determine the blade life, taking into account their mutual influence.

About the authors

I. Kh. Badamshin

Ufa State Aviation Technical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: adbadamshin@ugatu.ac.ru

Doctor of Science (Engineering)
Associate Professor of the Department of Aviation Engines

Russian Federation


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