Development and research of a device for gas sheet stamping with a piston pressure multiplier

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Traditionally, sheet stamping is carried out in the cold state of the workpiece being processed. At the same time, due to the limited plasticity of the workpiece, stamping parts of complex shape is performed in several operating steps, which significantly increases the cost of production. The article is devoted to the development and research of a device providing stamping of parts with heating of the workpiece being processed. The device comprises a die and a working cylinder between which  the workpiece is placed, as well as a combustion chamber separated from the working cylinder by a piston. The heating of the sheet billet and its punching is carried out in two stages within 1...2 s with its exposure to the action of gas mixture combustion products. At the first stage, the billet is heated and deformed by the combustion products formed in the die cavity and the working cylinder, whereas at the second stage these processes take place due to the energy of the combustion products formed in the combustion chamber. The workflow of the developed device was studied. The regularities of the pressure and temperature changes of the gas that heats and deforms the billet being stamped were established. The optimum proportions of the volumes of the combustion chamber and the working cylinder were determined. The developed device ensures stamping of complex-shaped parts in one process step due to the heating of the workpiece. In this device the pressure on the surface of the workpiece being processed is 2...3 times higher compared with the existing analogues, which ensures stamping of heavy-thickness parts, as well as parts made of hard-to-deform alloys.

About the authors

A. Yu. Botashev

North Caucasian State Humanitarian Technological Academy

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor, Head of the Department of Technological Machines and Materials Processing

Russian Federation

R. A. Bayramukov

North Caucasian State Humanitarian Technological Academy


Postgraduate Student of the Department of Technological Machines and Materials Processing

Russian Federation


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