Multi-purpose high-precision thermal vacuum testing bench and someresults of firing tests of non-hypergolic low-thrust rocket engines

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The article presents the structure and the main characteristics of systems of a multi-purpose thermal high-precision testing bench for firing tests of non-hypergolic low-thrust rocket engines (LTRE). The vacuum system provides the initial vacuum in the chamber; the fuel system makes it possible to conduct research and tests of LTRE with the thrust 5...500 N in continuous and pulse modes of operation. The thermal conditioning system creates and maintains the temperature of the fuel components in the range from -15 to +50°C at the inlet of the engine. The thermostats ensure a minimum temperature of gaseous working fluids ~ 100...120 K during tests conducted according to special programs. An automatic system of control, acquisition, handling and displaying of the measurement information is intended to support research and testing of rocket engines and to obtain real-time results. The measuring system is equipped with high-precision sensors that significantly increase the accuracy of the LTRE parameters to be determined. An infrared thermal imaging system makes it possible to assess the thermal state of the engine. The results of experimental research of the work process of non-hypergolic rocket engines are presented. We also present information on the dynamic and energy parameters of promising schemes of LTRE using the components Н2г + О2г, and on the thermal condition of the engine structure.

About the authors

V. V. Ryzhkov

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Science (Engineering)
Director of Sciences, Space Energy Research Center

Russian Federation

Yu. N. Verjasov

Samara National Research University


Leading engineer, Space Energy Research Center

Russian Federation

R. N. Galperin

Samara National Research University


senior research fellow, Space Energy Research Center

Russian Federation

Yu. I. Gulyaev

Samara National Research University


Leading engineer, Space Energy Research Center

Russian Federation

Yu. S. Ivashin

Samara National Research University


Candidate of  Science (Engineering)
senior research fellow, Space Energy Research Center

Russian Federation


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