Numerical simulation of working process in afterburner chamber of vapour gas machine with NK-37 engine

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The results of the numerical modeling of the gases mixing and gases mixture combustion processes in the afterburning chamber of the afterburning module for the combined-cycle plant are presented in the article. The characteristic features of the finite-element model of the stabilization system element are described. The burning gases mixture temperature levels, combustion efficiency and nitrogen oxides emission at different operating modes are given and analysed.

About the authors

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JSC SNTK named by N.D. Kuznetsov

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

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JSC SNTK named by N.D. Kuznetsov

Russian Federation

1 1

JSC SNTK named by N.D. Kuznetsov

Russian Federation


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  2. Ф. Г. Тухбатуллин, Р. С. Кашапов. Малотоксичные горелочные устройства газотурбинных установок. – М.: ОАО Издательство “Недра”, 1997. – 155с.: ил.

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