Calculation and experimental investigations on the efficiency of various ways of vibration damping of jet engine parts

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The results of investigations in experimental and computational estimation of the efficiency of engine part vibration damping using different ways of damping carried out at CIAM are presented. Vibration tests have been carried out on a dynamic simulator for a turbine stage with dampers of various masses. The damper with the optimal mass and stiffness is specified according to the results of blade strain-gaging. The possibility of efficient damping of compressor blade vibration using thin damping coatings is shown. A method of damping a fan blade without a root platform is presented. The efficiency of the method proposed has been analyzed and experimentally confirmed using a plate imitating the fan blade. The possibility of active damping of gas turbine engine part vibrations using piezoelectric elements has been considered, and the potential efficiency of the method has been experimentally confirmed. Reducing resonant stresses in a thin titanium plate is an example of applying the method.

About the authors

B. F. Shorr

Central institute of aviation motors named after P.I. Baranov, Moscow

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Science (Engineering)

Chief Research Associate

Russian Federation

N. N. Serebryakov

Central institute of aviation motors named after P.I. Baranov, Moscow


Candidate of Science (Engineering)

Head of Sector

Russian Federation

A. N. Stadnikov

Central institute of aviation motors named after P.I. Baranov, Moscow


Project Design Leader

Russian Federation

D. C. Shadrin

Central institute of aviation motors named after P.I. Baranov, Moscow


Head of Sector

Russian Federation

E. S. Rudenok

Central institute of aviation motors named after P.I. Baranov, Moscow



Russian Federation

A. V. Kanackin

Central institute of aviation motors named after P.I. Baranov, Moscow



Russian Federation

A. D. Bortnikov

Central institute of aviation motors named after P.I. Baranov, Moscow



Russian Federation


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