Gas dynamic optimization of the work process of a single-stage cooled axial turbine with an inside baffle

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The article presents the results of optimization of the work process of a single-stage axial turbine in order to increase its efficiency. During optimization, it was necessary to preserve the construction of the original turbine as much as possible. To solve this problem, a parameterization scheme for turbine blades and path contours was developed, taking into account the design and technological limitations. The turbine nozzle blade had an inside baffle. To control the possibility of placing the baffle, a special program was developed that automatically monitors the spatial position of the sections of the blade of the nozzle set. A post-processing program was developed to control the flow parameters at the turbine outlet in height. The efficiency and the vertical deviation of the angle of the outflow from the turbine from the original one were used as optimization criteria. The limitations were the mass flow rate of the working fluid and the total pressure ratio of the turbine. The problem was solved in several stages with different changing variables. As a result of solving the problem, it was possible to increase the turbine efficiency by 0.9%

About the authors

G. M. Popov

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of Aircraft Engine Theory

Russian Federation

E. S. Goryachkin

Samara National Research University


Candidate of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor of the Department of Aircraft Engine Theory

Russian Federation

S. A. Melnikov

Samara National Research University


Postgraduate Student of the Department of Aircraft Engine Theory

Russian Federation

A. I. Shcherban

Samara National Research University


Engineer of the Department of Aircraft Engine Theory

Russian Federation

E. D. Gataullina

Samara National Research University


Master Student of the Institute of Engine and Power Plant Engineering

Russian Federation


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