Dynamic of the a safety vent valve

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The mathematical model that simulates the running of drainage safety valve is concerned. The valve controls pressure through the sensor. The movement is discussed taking into account the following aspects: alterations of pneumatic capacities specified in device design, alterations of the pressure in pneumatic volumes at the permanent temperature, there is gas overflow occurring in special channels between specified volumes, there is the friction between the valve plate and its sliding rail, there are periodical external dithers of a variable frequency. The results of computational modeling and cause analysis of maintained pressure depreciation by the specified frequencies are provided.

About the authors

M. V. Makaryjants

Samara Space Centre “Progress”

Author for correspondence.
Email: mail@samspace.ru

Deputy General Designer, Head of Department

Russian Federation

L. V. Kudyurov

Samara State Railway University

Email: lkudyurov@mail.ru

Doctor of Science (Engineering)

Professor subfaculty of Mechanic and Engineering Graphic

Russian Federation

Yu. K. Mustafaev

Samara State Railway University

Email: mustafaev.yuri@mail.ru

Professor, sub-faculty of Mechanic and Engineering Graphic

Russian Federation

D. V. Tumanov

Samara Space Centre “Progress”

Email: mail@samspace.ru

Engineer, Group Manager

Russian Federation


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  2. Timoshenko S.P. Kolebaniya v inzhenernom dele [Vibration problems in engeneering]. Moscow: Fizmatlit Publ., 1959. 439 p.

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