Development techniques of casting complex parts of aerospace profiles using additive technologies

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The use of rapid prototyping technologies to create new industrial products, with particular importance is the cost and speed of production, is a unique opportunity to use cost-effective methods for the production of parts by investment casting. At the stage of pilot production, which is characterized by frequent changes in design, the problem of the rapid production of cast components becomes crucial. This is mainly due to the complexity and the complexity of manufacturing foundry equipment. In turn, the research and development of rapid prototyping technologies have allowed a new level of optimization and the introduction of new technologies in the investment casting. The aim of this work is to identify opportunities and evaluate accuracy of the size of the casting during investment casting using rapid prototyping technology. The work was conducted with the use of cross-cutting design in CAM / CAD / CAE systems. The study size and precision parameters of the casting was conducted in co-ordinate measuring machine. The work has been verified the adequacy of the virtual simulation of the process of forming a casting in the casting simulation ProCAST, in comparison with those obtained castings. The study showed that the use of rapid prototyping technologies with investment casting can significantly reduce the time for making castings, reduce production costs and improve the accuracy of the size of the casting.

About the authors

A. V. Agapovichev

Samara State Aerospace University

Author for correspondence.

Engineer, post-graduate student of the aircraft engine production department

Russian Federation

A. V. Balaykin

Samara State Aerospace University, Samara


Engineer, post-graduate student of the aircraft engine production department

Russian Federation

V. G. Smelov

Samara State Aerospace University, Samara


Candidate of Science (Engineering)

Associate professor of productionn of aircraft engines

Russian Federation


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