The credit banking system of Samara region in the 1920s

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The article reviews the changes undergone by the bank crediting system in the USSR in the 1920s as exemplified by the activities of the Samara city municipal bank. The main goals of economic development and, primarily, currency circulation under a new economic policy of the Soviet government are emphasized. Attention is focused on the state of the economic system of the region and changes in the functions of the municipal bank in the areas of industry, agriculture, wholesale trade and transport. The relationships between the Central bank of public utilities and residential housing, on the one hand, and regional banks, on the other, as well as the role of the Samara city municipal bank in developing residential housing and public utilities in the region are shown. Special attention is paid to the solution of the problem of assisting housing construction for workers. The right of municipal banks to issue bonded loans is discussed, changes in the operating of regional banks in the late 1920s are determined. The article covers the processes of reorganization of the financial credit system related to the strengthening of economic management centralization and formation of planned economy. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of the activities of Samara city municipal bank after implementing the administrative-territorial reform. The article includes statistical data on the results of the Samara city municipal bank’s activities during the period under investigation.

About the authors

N. F. Bannikova

Samara State Aerospace University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Science (History)

Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History

Russian Federation

M. O. Samuilovа

Samara State Aerospace University


Postgraduate student of the Department of Philosophy and History

Russian Federation


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  22. TSGASO f. Р2290, op. 3, d. 7.
  23. TSGASO f. Р2290, op. 4, d. 10.

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