Heat-shielding zirconium dioxide coating on an intermetallic substrate obtained by the method of high-energy plasma spraying for gas-turbine engine turbine blades

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The paper discusses the task of protecting the working surface of turbine blade made of heat-resistant nickel alloys against high-temperature gas corrosion and high temperature gradient. Improvement of the performance characteristics of a heat-shielding coating is achieved by increasing the energy characteristics of the plasma spraying process (temperature of the plasma flow, mass-average velocity of the plasma jet) with the help of up-to-date ЖС6Ф equipment using a ПНК-50 plasma torch. Special attention is given to the study of high-temperature stability of the alloy as the process of high-energy plasma spraying is associated with the heating of the substrate. The patterns of forming the phase composition and microstructure of the zirconium dioxide coating formed on the intermetallic substrate of the “Ni-Co-Cr-Al-Y” system, sprayed using the ПНК20Х20Ю13 powder mixture with particles of various dispersion are analyzed. The results of research of the structures, physical and mechanical properties as well as the efficiency of a zirconium dioxide heat-shielding coating, formed by high-energy plasma spraying and designed to provide thermal protection of turbine blades of gas turbine engines are presented. The results of the investigation showed that the coatings developed are designed to protect various-application gas turbine blades against the starting load high-temperature gradient, gas corrosion and erosive wear.

About the authors

Y. P. Tarasenko

Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: npktribonika@yandex.ru

Candidate of Science (Physics and Mathematics)

Head of laboratory

Russian Federation

I. N. Tsareva

Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: npktribonika@yandex.ru

Candidate of Science (Physics and Mathematics)

Senior Researcher

Russian Federation

O. B. Berdnik

The Nizhniy Novgorod branch of Establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute mechanical engineering A.A.Blagonravova's name of the Russian Academy of Sciences Joint-Stock Company Research-and-production Center "Tribonika", Nizhni Novgorod

Email: npktribonika@yandex.ru

Candidate of Science (Engineering)

Senior Researcher

Russian Federation

Ya. A. Fel

Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: npktribonika@yandex.ru

Candidate of Science (Physics and Mathematics)

Senior Researcher

Russian Federation

D. G. Fedorchenko

“KUZNETSOV” Open Joint-Stock Company, Samara

Email: npktribonika@yandex.ru

Candidate of Science (Engineering)

General Designer

Russian Federation


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