Method of calculating vibrations in a pipeline with damping supports made of MR material

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A method of calculating vibrations in a pipeline of an arbitrary shape with damping supports made of MR material with the help of the finite element method ANSYS software is developed. The method takes into account the non-linearity of MR material, it makes it possible to determine the amplitudes of pipeline vibration and the stress in the pipeline. The calculation results are confirmed by an experiment with the ARAMIS measurement system. The method can be used for placement of pipelines.

About the authors

S. A. Bezborodov

Open joint-stock company “Kuznetsov”

Author for correspondence.

Инженер-конструктор отдела прочности и теплофизики

Russian Federation

A. M. Ulanov

Samara State Aerospace University


Доктор технических наук, доцент

Профессор кафедры конструкции и проектирования двигателей летательных аппаратов

Russian Federation


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