Transformer reformer of micrometeoroids and technical debris based on film mdm structures

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The problem of formation of ions of multicomponent plasma and conduction of a film MDM- structure part which is impact-compressed or particle-short-circuited under high–speed impact is solved. Models of plasma-barrier interaction are considered. We obtained analytical equations for multicomponent impact plasma charges and conduction of impact-compressed and short-circuited MDM structure. Ionization-capacitor type detectors of micrometeoroids and technical debris have been developed on the basis of thin MDM structures. Laboratory and space tests have been conducted on the geostationary orbit by «Gorizont-41» and «Gorizont-43» satellites.

About the authors

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Samara State Aerospace University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

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Samara State Aerospace University

Russian Federation

1 1

Samara State Aerospace University

Russian Federation


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