
The accuracy of measuring the coefficients of transmission and reflection of materials in the presence of random errors in the formation of fields
Emelyanov E.S., Kiryanov O.E., Ponkin V.A.
Modeling of electromagnetic wave reflection from wet soil taken into account of dispersion, heterogeneity and surface roughness
Panin D.N., Osipov O.V.
The calculation of reflections of linear polarization plane electromagnetic wave from the boundary of the «air – wet soil» based on heterogeneous Maxwell Garnett and Brughehman models
Panin D.N., Osipov O.V., Bezlyudnikov K.O.
Transmission of an optical wave through a multilayer structure with dispersive chiral layers
Osipov O.V., Panin D.N., Semenov E.S., Tsilimbaev N.A.
Influence of density variations of ionosphere plasma on the conditions of electromagnetic whistler waves propagation in the ionosphere
Mizonova V.G., Degteryov E.G., Sokolova G.M.
Designing of the H-plane step coupling of two rectangular waveguides
Lozhkin L., Soldatov A.
The numerical analysis of E-polarizied electromagnetic wave reflections from inhomogeneous dielectric layer
Panin D., Osipov O., Mishin D., Kuznetsov Y.
Bragg microwave structure in a coaxial waveguide as a sensor for monitoring the dielectric parameters of liquid media
Farkhutdinov R., Nasybulin A., Morozov O., Vaziev T., Ishkaev T., Sadchikov V.
Electrodynamic calculation of reflection coefficient of 3D periodic structures based on the disoriented dielectric strips with metal nanolayers in microwave frequencies range
Makeeva G., Golovanov O., Polianskov A.
Structures based on porous silicon with singleand double-layer coatings photoelectric properties
Drondin A., Latukhina N., Lizunkova D., Paranin V.
1 - 10 of 10 Items

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