Vol 19, No 2 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.ssau.ru/pwp/issue/view/378
Electrodynamic calculation of reflection coefficient of 3D periodic structures based on the disoriented dielectric strips with metal nanolayers in microwave frequencies range
Using a computational algorithm developed by the projection method mathematical modeling of the diffraction of TEM-wave on the 3D periodic structures based on the oriented dielectric strips with metal nanolayers for different incidence angles of TEM-wave at microwave frequencies. The results of probabilistic electrodynamic calculation of frequency dependencies of reflection coefficient of TEM-wave through 3D periodic structures of disoriented dielectric strips with metal nanolayers were obtained depending on the angle of the polarization of TEM-wave and the thickness of structure.
Statistical distribution of the signal phase of VLF-range at sudden ionospheric disturbances
Influence of sudden ionospheric disturbances on the phase of the accepted signal is considered. Experimental data are obtained on receptions of signal phases by the radio navigational system «Omega» (frequency range from 10 to 14 kHz) with respect to a reference generator of a secondary standard of time and frequency. Routes of various length and orientation. It is shown that the deviation of the phase of the accepted signal obeys to Poisson’s distribution.
To a question of complex noises and interference generating
This paper presents a new approach that solves the problem «amplitude, phase, frequency» for modeling in a complex form of a Gaussian white noise and complex polyharmonic interference based on it present in the actual channel of communication. The estimates of the required number of components in the formation of white Gaussian noise to achieve a given accuracy of approximation are obtained.
About generators of dynamic chaos on the basis of the modified Lorentz’s models
A mathematical model of self-oscillating system - modified Lorentz oscillator obtained by converting a standard Lorenz system is presented. It is shown that in the modified Lorentz oscillator are implemented regimes both regular and chaotic self-oscillations. A discrete model of self-oscillator with an inertial nonlinearity is obtained. The stability of the equilibrium states of the system is investigated. Graphics of amplitude spectra of chaotic and regular self-oscillation are presented.
Dynamics of entanglement of two dipole-coupled Josephson qubits interacting with two lossless resonators
In the present paper we investigated the dynamics of two dipole-coupled superconducting qubits prepared in an entangled state and interacting with two modes of the vacuum electromagnetic fields of two independent resonators. It is shown that the dipole-dipole interaction of qubits is an effective mechanism for the stabilization of qubits entanglement.
Discrete model of the coupled nonlinear oscillators
The sampling sequences of counting of pulse characteristics of quasi-harmonics oscillators are used for transition to discrete time in the equations of the movement of nonlinear oscillatory systems with many degrees of freedom. The finite-difference algorithm of modeling of nonlinear dynamics of oscillators is as a result offered. The differential scheme has the second order of accuracy on discrete time, keeps a form of pulse characteristics of oscillators and is well joined to methods of digital processing of signals. The example of modeling of a nonlinear resonance in two coupled Duffing oscillators is given.
The device fixing the date of muscle activity in the electroencephalography in the analysis of cognitive evoked potentials
The article describes the operation of the device fixing the date of muscle activity on the electroencephalogram, which will allow to allocate evoked potentials appearing in the cerebral cortex in complex multimodal stimulations in order to use the results to create neurointerface. The device allows you to use any of the electroencephalography registrar for the purposes of allocation of evoked potentials used in neurointerface. The description of the device and how it works. Showing some of the results using the device, which are held within the framework of the development of interfaces «brain-computer».
Optimization of parameters of magneto-resonant tomograph
The problem of increase in a signal providing process of internal organs visualization in the magneto-resonant tomograph is investigated on the basis of the some its parameters optimum choice. The principle of the tomograph work is analysed. On the basis of quantum-mechanical approach the interrelation between an angle of the magnetic moment precession of hydrogen nucleus in an organism, frequency of the variable magnetic field stimulating the precession and size of the used constant magnetic field is found. The given interrelation allows find the optimal parameters of the tomography work.