
Mathematical models of spheroidal spiral-frame radiating structures
Tabakov D.P., Valiullin R.M.
Development of exact mathematic models for planar slotted traveling wave antennas using the dyadic Green function and their experiment foundation
Nefyodov E.I., Zayarnyi V.P., Kiryanova N.I., Ponomarev I.N.
The structure of the radiation field of a symmetric slot line perpendicular to the edge of an infinite half-plane, taking into account the cross-polarization component
Nefyodov E.I., Ponomarev I.N., Zayarnyi V.P.
Investigation of mutual coupling coefficients in dual-polarized antenna arrays
Bazhanova O.V., Kononov A.A., Smuseva K.V., Stepkin V.A., Uskov G.K.
Plasmonic antennas based on rectangular graphene nanoribbons with controlled polarization of terahertz and infrared radiation
Makeeva G.S.
Numerical and experimental score of the zigzag UHF antenna characteristics of radio relay communication tools for compliance with the requirements of current legislation and international standards
Medvedev Y.V.
Antenna arrays focused by broadband signals
Sedelnikov Y., Vedenkin D.
An aperture’s amplitude-phase distribution for forming frequency-independent direction-finding characteristics of a linear antenna arrays
Bobkov N., Gabriel’an D., Ivanov Y.
About the features of radiation pattern of the symmetric slot antennas in microwave range
Zayarnyi V., Nefyodov E., Parpula S., Ponomarev I.
Analysis algorithm of the thin electric vibrator
Kupriyanov D.
The features of radiation pattern characteristics of microwave planar slot antennas with linearly increasing aperture
Zayarnyi V., Nefyodov E., Parpula S., Ponomarev I.
1 - 11 of 11 Items

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