An aperture’s amplitude-phase distribution for forming frequency-independent direction-finding characteristics of a linear antenna arrays

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The aperture’s amplitude-phase distribution of a linear antenna array, ensuring the formation of frequency-independent direction-finding characteristics in a wide frequency band, is considered. The basic regularities of the choice of the amplitude-phase distribution parameters of linear antenna arrays for the case of frequency independent amplitude distribution and frequency dependent phase distribution are investigated. Using the example of a 45-element linear array designed for operation in a frequency band with a relative overlap of 4:1, the influence of the amplitude and phase distribution’s parameters on the magnitude and deviation’s character of the direction-finding characteristics in the operating frequency band is investigated. It is shown that the introduction of a substantially decreasing amplitude distribution contributes to a decrease in the integral standard deviation of the direction-finding characteristics in the frequency band. The relationship between deviation of frequency dependence of the direction-finding characteristics of the array and variations in the frequency dependence of the phase distribution in the aperture is established. The analysis of the basic regularities of the formation of frequency-independent direction-finding characteristics of broadband antenna arrays has been carried out.

About the authors

N.I. Bobkov

JSC «RRI “Gradient”»

Author for correspondence.

D.D. Gabriel’an



Yu.V. Ivanov

Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics



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Copyright (c) 2019 Bobkov N., Gabriel’an D., Ivanov Y.

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