Vol 26, No 3 (2023)

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Flickering of a radio-signal due to an atmospheric turbulence

Klyuev D.S., Volobuev A.N., Krasnov S.V., Adyshirin-Zade K.A., Antipova T.A., Aleksandrova N.N.


Background. Turbulent fluctuations of the refractive index in the atmosphere lead to distortions during the passage of the radio signal. This can lead to distortion of the transmitted information due to the resulting fluctuations of the amplitude, phase and intensity of the electromagnetic wave that transmits the radio signal. Fluctuations in the intensity of the radio signal lead to flickering of the radio signal on the receiving antenna due to turbulent phenomena in the atmosphere, which are a complex multifunctional physical phenomenon.

Aim. The problem of fluctuation of the intensity of the radio signal at the receiving antenna due to atmospheric turbulence is considered – the flicker of the radio signal. This problem is currently extremely actual, because there is a tendency of active, negative interference in the process of high-quality transmission of the radio signal on the background of naturally caused turbulent fluctuations.

Methods. A theoretical analysis of the passage of a radio signal through a turbulent atmosphere is carried out. The spatial correlation function of fluctuations in the intensity of the received radio signal due to atmospheric turbulence is investigated.

Results. The concept of the radio signal flicker characteristic is introduced as the average value of a random variable over the cross section of the receiving antenna – the dispersion of the logarithm of the radio signal power. A model of the occurrence of fluctuations in the case of two regions in the cross section of the receiving antenna with different levels of radio signal intensity is calculated. The correlation function for this model is found.

Conclusion. Based on the Fourier-spectrum expansion of the two-point spatial correlation function of turbulent fluctuations of the refractive index, the dependence of the flicker characteristic of the radio signal on the wave number of turbulent fluctuations of the atmosphere is found. It is shown that the turbulence of the atmosphere has the greatest effect on the radio signal when the length of the electromagnetic wave is comparable to the scale of turbulent fluctuations.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(3):11-19
pages 11-19 views

Parametrical synthesis of various radio devices with the set quantity of cascades of type «the complex two-port network – the nonlinear part»

Golovkov A.A.


Background. Presence of possibility of analytical definition of a part of parameters of various radio devices, optimum by criterion of maintenance of preset values of modules and phases of transfer functions on necessary quantity of frequencies, considerably reduces time of numerical optimization of other part of parameters by criterion of formation demanded PFC and FFC in a strip of frequencies. Till now such problems dared concerning radio devices only with one cascade of type «a nonlinear part - the coordination the device» or «the coordination the device - a nonlinear part». In quality согласующего devices were used the jet, resistive, complex or mixed two-port networks. The problem of multicascade radio devices with jet two-port networks is solved also. Change of basis for the coordination two-port networks and a place of inclusion of a nonlinear part leads to change of area of a physical realizability.

Aim. Working out of algorithms of parametrical synthesis of radio devices with any quantity of identical and unequal cascades of type «the coordination the complex two-port network - a nonlinear part» by criterion of maintenance of the set frequency characteristics. Nonlinear parts are presented in the form of a nonlinear element and parallel either consecutive on a current or pressure of a feedback.

Methods. The theory of two-port networks, matrix algebra, a decomposition method, a method of synthesis of actuation devices microwave, numerical methods of optimisation.

Results. In interests of achievement of the specified purpose systems of the algebraic equations are generated and solved. Models of optimum two-port networks in the form of mathematical expressions for definition of interrelations between elements of their classical matrix of transfer and for search of dependences of resistance of two-poles from frequency are received. It is shown, that at certain parities between quantity of identical cascades and values of resistance of a source of a signal and loading of the one-cascade radio device frequency characteristics of one-cascade and multicascade radio devices appear identical or similar. Such schemes are named by equivalent. Use of unequal cascades leads to substantial growth of a working strip of frequencies.

Conclusion. The comparative analysis of theoretical results (PFC and FFC radio devices, value of parameters), received by mathematical modelling in system MathCad, and the experimental results received by схемотехнического of modelling in systems OrCad and MicroCap, shows their satisfactory coincidence.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(3):20-31
pages 20-31 views

Methods of control and measurements of components of the onboard radio engineering complex

Kulikov A.V.


Background. The relevance of the topic of this work is due to the need to increase the reliability and quality of the results of measuring control of modules of various levels and antenna arrays that are part of the onboard radio engineering complex, as well as to increase the reliability and parametric efficiency of the radio engineering complex.

Aim. Development of a method and methodology for integrated control of radio frequency modules of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd levels in the process of design, production and testing based on modern automation tools and processes.

Methods. Full-scale experiment, computer modeling, programming, expert assessments, research, autonomous and acceptance tests were used.

Results. The choice of a working control model was made. Based on it, an automated workplace has been developed. It includes integrated control and measuring equipment controlled by special software, a software package with a common operator interface. To control the testing process, a software package has been developed that automatically sets the necessary operating modes of the modules and provides a stimulating signal from the vector network analyzer in accordance with the specified parameters. After the end of testing, a test report is generated and printed. If the modules are tested for compliance with technical specifications, the protocol is formed in accordance with GOST. The test sequence is developed using the NI TestStand automated testing environment, and the routines that control the operating modes of the products are developed using C/C++ and NI LabVIEW graphical development tools. The automated workplace implements the following functions: functional electronic control of circuits and nodes of radio frequency modules and the product as a whole, electrical integrity control of circuits and nodes of frequency modules, programming of digital components, conducting complex tests of frequency modules, conducting complex tests of antennas and antenna arrays. The developed algorithm includes a stage of self-testing of the automated workplace hardware. After entering the necessary information, a step-by-step cycle of monitoring the module parameters is started. It begins with the connection of the device under test to the automated workplace and ends with the preparation of a test report and a message about the validity or unfitness of the totality of the measured parameter values. The final conclusion about the operability of the control object is made automatically after the measurement of all parameters is completed in the form of a pop-up dialog box. It contains one of two mutually exclusive statements: «Control successfully passed», «Control failed».

Conclusion. The algorithm and methodology of automated control and tuning have been developed, which allows to increase the reliability and accuracy (by 5–15 %) of the measurement results of the electrical parameters of the PPM at the stages of tuning and testing. A software package for automated control has been developed. An automated control workplace has been developed.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(3):32-39
pages 32-39 views

Parametrical synthesis of various radio devices with the set quantity of cascades of type «the nonlinear part – the complex two-port network»

Golovkov A.A.


Background. Presence of possibility of analytical definition of a part of parametres of various radio devices, optimum by criterion of maintenance of preset values of modules and phases of transfer functions on necessary quantity of frequencies, considerably reduces time of numerical optimisation of other part of parametres by criterion of formation demanded PFC and FFC in a strip of frequencies. Till now such problems dared concerning radio devices only with one cascade of type «a nonlinear part - the coordination the device» or «the coordination the device - a nonlinear part». In quality devices were used the jet, resistive, complex or mixed two-port networks. The problem of multicascade radio devices with jet two-port networks is solved also. Change of basis for the coordination two-port networks and a place of inclusion of a nonlinear part leads to change of area of a physical realizability.

Aim. Working out of algorithms of parametrical synthesis of radio devices with any quantity of identical and unequal cascades of type «a nonlinear part the coordination the complex two-port network» by criterion of maintenance of the set frequency characteristics. Nonlinear parts are presented in the form of a nonlinear element and parallel either consecutive on a current or pressure of a feedback.

Methods. The theory of two-port networks, matrix algebra, a decomposition method, a method of synthesis of actuation devices microwave, numerical methods of optimization.

Results. In interests of achievement of the specified purpose systems of the algebraic equations are generated and solved. Models of optimum two-port networks in the form of mathematical expressions for definition of interrelations between elements of their classical matrix of transfer and for search of dependences of resistance of two-poles from frequency are received. It is shown, that at certain parities between quantity of cascades and values of resistance of a source of a signal and loading of the one-cascade radio device frequency characteristics of one-cascade and multicascade radio devices appear identical or similar. Such schemes are named by equivalent.

Conclusion. The comparative analysis of theoretical results (PFC and FFC radio devices, value of parametres), received by mathematical modelling in system MathCad, and the experimental results received by modelling in systems OrCad and MicroCap, shows their satisfactory coincidence.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(3):40-51
pages 40-51 views

Methods for creating and testing multi-band antenna-waveguide paths

Boychuk S.I., Korovkin A.E., Yukhnov V.I.


Background. The need to create, assemble and configure antenna-waveguide paths of multi-band reflector antennas of satellite communication systems requires the use of various methods for choosing the structure, determining and optimizing the parameters of antenna-waveguide paths.

Aim. Reducing the requirements for the volume of computational costs in the development of antenna-waveguide paths and the time spent on their assembly and configuration, as well as analyzing the change in the characteristics of the antenna-waveguide paths when changing the parameters of one of the devices in the path based on the calculation of the characteristics of only this device.

Methods. The development of the antenna-waveguide path, which includes the stages of choosing a scheme for constructing a tract and determining the parameters of its constituent devices, is carried out on the basis of a mathematical model of the corresponding variant of constructing a tract using the methods of electrodynamic modeling packages.

Results. A technique has been developed for creating a multi-band antenna-waveguide path and a technique for its assembling and tuning.

Conclusion. A technique is proposed that allows to reduce the requirements for the computing tools used in the development of antenna-waveguide paths in terms of the amount of RAM and speed of calculations. Implemented the ability to analyze the change in the characteristics of the antenna-waveguide path when changing the parameters of one of the devices in the composition of the antenna-waveguide path based on the calculation of the characteristics of only this device. Sequential performance of measurements of the characteristics of the antenna-waveguide path fragment at the stage of assembly and configuration makes it possible to make a decision on the further assembly of the antenna-waveguide path or making changes to the parameters of the last of the connected devices.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(3):52-58
pages 52-58 views

Numerical and experimental score of the zigzag UHF antenna characteristics of radio relay communication tools for compliance with the requirements of current legislation and international standards

Medvedev Y.V.


Background. To ensure the integrity, stability of operation and security of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation, as well as to solve the issues of electromagnetic compatibility of radio-relay communication facilities, it is required to use antennas that satisfy both mandatory requirements fixed at the legislative level and requirements of a recommendatory nature of international and regional levels.

Aim. To establish compliance of the most frequently used zigzag antennas in radio-relay communication facilities with the requirements of the current legislation and international standards on the basis of numerical and experimental evaluation of their characteristics.

Methods. On the basis of numerical methods the characteristics of the considered antennas were calculated, and also measurements of these characteristics were carried out in an anechoic shielded chamber.

Results. The results of numerical and experimental estimation of gain, voltage standing wave ratio, antenna patterns, crosspolarization decoupling and complex impedance of the double zigzag antenna with UHF reflector of the radio-relay communication range are presented. It is shown that this antenna provides operation in a wide frequency band, and in the considered section of the range does not fully meet the requirements for antennas of radio-relay communications.

Conclusion. On the basis of the analysis of the requirements of the current legislation and international requirements for the antennas of radio-relay communication facilities and the results of numerical and experimental evaluation of the characteristics of the antennas under consideration, it was established that they comply with the requirements of ITU Recommendations ITU-R F.699 in terms of the envelope level of antenna patterns, side and back radiation, except for the beginning of the range section, where there is some excess of the envelope level. The requirements of GOST R 50867-96 for the level of crosspolarization maxima (or the level of crosspolarization radiation in a given spatial sector of angles near the main radiation direction) are not met.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(3):59-78
pages 59-78 views

Passage of an electromagnetic wave through a rectangular von guide with a section of a semiconductor film

Voronoi A.A., Soldatov A.A., Kubanov V.P.


Background. In microwave technology, of great interest is the creation of amplifiers and generators based on thin-layered longitudinal inhomogeneities in rectangular waveguides, which are an integral part of many functional devices in the microwave and EHF ranges.

Aim. Therefore, it is of practical interest to calculate one of these inhomogeneities in a rectangular waveguide.

Methods. One of the methods for calculating such structures is the diffraction of an electromagnetic wave by a segment of a semiconductor film with negative differential conductivity on a narrow wall of a rectangular waveguide. Based on the boundary conditions, a singular integral equation for the electric component of the electromagnetic field was obtained. By the method of inversion of the integral equation and by means of expansion in terms of Chebyshev polynomials, the integral equation is given in a system of two algebraic equations. The coefficients of the system are calculated according to the theory of residues. Then an equation was obtained for calculating the transmission coefficient, which was calculated in the Matcad environment.

Results. Based on the integral equation, the values for calculating the transmission coefficient for the structure under consideration are obtained.

Conclusion. From the graphs obtained for the calculated transmission coefficient, it can be concluded that there are frequency zones where an electromagnetic wave is amplified in the structure. So, on the basis of the structure under consideration, it is possible to create amplifiers and generators of the microwave and EHF ranges.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(3):79-88
pages 79-88 views

Substantiation of the concept of a communication system in the range of medium waves in underground quasi-one-dimensional structures

Fedosov D.V., Kolesnikov A.V.


Background. The modern development of the mining industry is characterized by the search for new mining technologies, increasing the complexity, depth, scale of workings and the danger of work, which leads to the search for approaches in building information and communication systems with increased functionality, namely, with the possibility of combining into a single system of mining automation tools, sensors, tunneling equipment, communication equipment, navigation, controls, equipment operating in an emergency situation. Since most underground facilities can be considered quasi-one-dimensional (mines, subways, sewers), transmission lines laid along tunnels can be effectively used to organize data transmission in them.

Aim. Consider the physical side of the operation of the information and communication system in the medium and high frequency ranges.

Methods. The dependence of the field strength in a tunnel with single-wire and bifilar lines laid in the tunnel was obtained using electrodynamic modeling by the finite element method.

Results. The values of attenuation in workings with different medium parameters and attenuation dependences obtained experimentally in a coal mine are given. On average, the signal attenuation is 15 dB per 1 km.

Conclusion. A digital medium-wave system based on bifilar lines has significant advantages when deployed over VHF communication systems. It can be used as a base, and if necessary, supplemented with VHF technologies (Bluetooth, Wi–Fi), for example, for personnel using an explosion-proof smartphone, and in areas where increased throughput is required, in places of active mining operations in mines and concentration of technological equipment and personnel.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(3):89-97
pages 89-97 views

Research of the possibility of increasing the uniqueness of determining the time delay of the phase-code shift keyed signal in a correlation meter on the basis of FPGA

Shirkaev A.V., Nazarov A.V.


Background. In radar systems, phase code-domain keying signals are widely used. Continuous signals of this kind have the advantage of low side lobes of the cross-correlation function and high noise immunity, but have limitations on the size of the area of view associated with the presence of ambiguity peaks.

Aim. The paper considers the possibility of increasing the unambiguity of determining the time delay of the phase-code shift keyed signal in a correlation meter based on a combined FPGA-based coding rule.

Methods. To achieve this goal, a numerical simulation of a correlation time delay meter with modulating signals formed by different coding rules was performed.

Results. It is proposed in the correlation meter with continuous reception of the phase-code shift keyed signal to improve the accuracy of measuring the time delay and the unambiguity of determining the location of remote objects, as a modulating signal, use a signal formed by two pseudo-random sequences that are the same according to the coding rule, but different in duration. The results of numerical simulation of the post-detection digital processing system based on the proposed method are presented.

Conclusion. The application of the proposed coding rule makes it possible to implement a correlation meter with a minimum amount of computing resources while increasing the unambiguity and expanding the range of measured time delays.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(3):98-105
pages 98-105 views

Digital modems of minimum frequency shift keying signals and their characteristics

Tyazhev A.I.


Background. The need to describe the features of the formation of minimum frequency shift keying signals, reveal the advantages of this type of modulation, provide circuits for digital demodulators of minimum frequency shift keying signals that provide the best reception noise immunity, and indicate ways to improve the spectral efficiency of minimum frequency shift keying signal modems. Aim. Various options for constructing digital modems for minimum frequency shift keying signals, features of modem circuits for even and odd numbers of half-periods on segments of the duration of transmitted messages, as well as the specifics of the formation of reference oscillations in coherent demodulators are considered. Methods. The principle of operation of modulators and demodulators of minimum frequency shift keying signals is explained by the timing diagrams of signals at various points in the paths for the formation and detection of minimum frequency shift keying signals. This representation ensures the reliability and clarity of the operation of modems of minimum frequency shift keying signals. Results. It is shown that coherent demodulators of minimum frequency shift keying signals provide the same noise immunity as opposite signals of relative phase shift keying, but at the same time they have a constant signal level and a smaller spectrum width. A dual-channel minimum frequency shift keying signal modem doubles the spectral efficiency of a single-channel modem, but the signal level becomes inconsistent. Conclusion. Information is given explaining the reason for the widespread use of minimum frequency shift keying signals in cellular communication systems, in space communication systems and in cordless phones, as well as ways to further improve digital modems of minimum frequency shift keying signals.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(3):106-115
pages 106-115 views

Analysis of the possibilities of artificial intelligence for investigation of fraud

Klyuev D.S., Smushkin A.B., Sokolova Y.V., Platonov S.E.


Background. As a result of the digitalization of society, the number of fraudulent activities using information and telecommunication technologies is growing. The technological complexity of the investigation is such that it requires the use of similar tools in investigative and operational-search activities. Such tools can be artificial intelligence.

Aim. Determine the potential of artificial intelligence in investigative and operational activities.

Methods. The analysis method was used to evaluate existing solutions for use in investigative and operational activities, such as face recognition, based on Haar rules, imitator programs and voice control, solutions of the Incident Management service, Papillon AFIS, Zerkalo GIS, Forver project , IS «Obraz++», machine learning capabilities, neural networks.

Results. Some relevant solutions are shown that require integration into a single system of technological and intelligent solutions (artificial intelligence) for investigative actions and operational-search activities.

Conclusion. Presented are modern automated information tools that require their integration into a single intelligent technological system (artificial intelligence) for investigating crimes.

Ключевые слова

следственные действия; классическое и цифровое мошенничество; машинное обучение; нейросети; цифровые следы; интеллектуальная идентификация; искусственный интеллект.

investigative actions; classical and digital fraud; machine learning; neural networks; digital footprints; intelligent identification; artificial intelligence.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(3):116-122
pages 116-122 views

A device for exposure to a permanent magnetic field and a system multifactorial analysis in a magnetobiological experiment

Slobodyanyuk I.L., Nikolskaya Y.V., Kislyaev S.E., Pichugina P.G., Antipova T.A., Matveeva L.V., Machikhin V.A., Polyakov V.A., Gasparov E.S., Mayorov A.G.


Background. Interest in the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation on biological objects is associated with the possibility of their use in solving a number of fundamental and applied problems: from the consideration of biological feedbacks in real time, which allows the development of electronic medical complexes, to the creation of neuro-computer interfaces, including components of living cells.

Aim. The paper shows the development of a device for influencing biological objects with a permanent magnetic field, which allows modeling the basic parameters of the physical factor, for conducting a magnetobiological experiment with normalization of the effects of non-ionizing radiation of the specified parameters.

Methods. The device for influencing biological objects of constant magnetic field allows to obtain, in a large volume, the most homogeneous magnetic field.

Results. Mathematical modeling of changes in the morphofunctional state of the adrenal cortex according to eleven biological parameters at different periods of exposure to normalized constant magnetic field when exposed to the maximum permissible level was evaluated by the deviation of the interval indicator and its normalized value. The effect of this factor led to a deviation of the integral index in the glomerular zone of the adrenal glands on the 30th day was – 6,53 ± 1,30*10-2, later on the 60th day the deviation increased by 8,28 ± 1,55*10-2, on the 90th 4,84 ± 1,50*10-2, then on the 120th day, it did not differ from normalized. Conclusion. After the termination of the constant magnetic field in a series of 15–30 mT experiments, the morphofunctional state of the thymus returned to normal. Thus, the device is recommended for use in experimental activities.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(3):123-131
pages 123-131 views