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The article is devoted to the description and study of special structural formations in the discourse that differ from linear referential structures, intentional networks, the participation of which is necessary for the implementation of author's intentions. The intentional networks deprived of the nucleus serve as representations of the cognitive presentation plan, linking the reference basis of the presentation with the network structure that creates the conditions for regulating the processes of message understanding.

The material base of intentional networks is formed by language tools with non-descriptive semantics, the functional purpose of which is to pragmatically accentuate the fragments of the presentation that are most significant for the formation of meaning, and to create a “field of understanding” containing the necessary cognitive and communicative orientations for the participants to communicate.

The predominant interest in the processes of planning, production and understanding of speech acts in cognitive pragmatics highlights the problem of systematic conceptual knowledge models (individual and conventional), the presence of which is a condition of understanding. Less attention is paid to the systematic nature of language processes, which, in our opinion, is of primary interest to linguistics. The current state of knowledge requires further differentiation and differentiation in the discursive process of rigorous algorithmic procedures and flexible structures, which allow making changes to the strategic program implemented by the author of the text during the creation of the text.

The study of speech works makes it possible to distinguish structural formations of two types in them, linear and network structures. In contrast to the centralized sequence of propositions, the intentional network is created by many centers, the flexibility of the network elements is due to the multilayered subjective perspective, which has several levels of organization. The grammatical level is represented by the grammatical subject, the semantic (propositional) - by a certain type of agent, the cognitive - by the subject of reflection or perception. The communicative (pragmatic) level allows you to make a choice between the subject of speech (addressee), the addressee and the observer (external participant in communication). The network nodes use various combinations of perspectives, which creates unique opportunities for managing the processes of understanding in the conditions of remote comunication.

About the authors

N. K. Danilova

Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8854-2650

доктор филологических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры немецкой филологии


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Copyright (c) 2019 Danilova N.K.

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