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The inclusion of people with disabilities in the education process at educational institutions is a new task for the Russian educational system. The implementation of the inclusive education system at the university is based on the principle of “equal and different” and actualizes the concept of “accessibility quality”. The essence of inclusive education is expressed by teaching disabled students together with other students in accordance with general educational standards, requirements for the process, content and quality.

Nowadays, educational system faces some problems as the development of conditionals for the teaching students with disabilities. The educational process should be accessible and conducted at a high level. Creation an accessible environment is a requirement for institutions of higher education.

The article discusses theoretical and practical aspects of staffing for inclusive education: the process of inclusion is considered as an integrator to improve social and labor relations in the social context of the education development. Regulatory aspect of inclusive education and staffing system for inclusive processes are discussed in the article.

As the result, the inclusive, pedagogical and social effectiveness of measures to develop a staffing system in the inclusive education implementation are analyzed.

About the authors

L. I. Rodina

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2404-4465

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Human Resource Management


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