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Some universal tends and trends in the sphere of linguistic economy at the lexical level are considered in the present article based on everyday communication contexts within the stylized colloquial fragments from modern English drama discourse.
Moreover discursive markers providing the adequate interpretation of linguistic economy means and ways are discussed in view of the vital necessity to communicate effectively with minimum of speech efforts in the epoch of globalization.
The purpose of this work was to identify the language characteristics and composition of the economical linguistic means of the English language in everyday communication, as well as to describe their role in the analyzed type of English discourse. Detailed study of the principle of linguistic economy was made on the material of contemporary English and American playwrights of the end of ХХ – the beginning of XXI centuries. The methods of linguistic description, structural-syntactic and semantic-syntactic analysis are used in the article.
During the research the following overall findings are revealed: the compression in the modern English language is a highly efficient mean of linguistic economy. At the syntactical level of the linguistic system the concept of economy is implemented in ellipsis, as well as secondary predicative constructions. At the phonetic level, the principle of linguistic economy is reflected in such factors as assimilation, adaptation, qualitative and quantitative reduction. At the morphological level-in the survey. At the syntactical level (the phrase level) the linguistic economy is expressed in abbreviation. The research materials provide a wide field for further investigation on the linguistic economy in constantly changing everyday communication.

About the authors

L. A. Samboruk

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

postgraduate student of the Department of English Philology


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