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The article deals with the texts of advertisements of the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods, reveals the methods of creolization of advertising messages in the diachronic aspect. The analysis of newspaper ads of commercial advertising, in the center of which-a wide range of services is carried out. The means of pragmatic setting realizations of different types products representation in advertising of the corresponding periods are determined. Our aim was to describe the dynamics of using various ways of creolization in Russian and Soviet advertising. We examined the corpus of newspaper advertisements of pre-revolution of 1917 and Soviet periods. Firstly, we analyzed the correlation between verbal and non-verbal components in the advertisements. Secondly, we investigated expressive means of both verbal and non-verbal signs. Finally, conclusions were drawn on the impact of creolization in creating persuasive advertisements.
Features of both verbal and non-verbal elements of advertising texts of the declared time periods are noted. The specificity of non-verbal parts of creolized advertising texts is revealed. Their schematic or detailed elaboration is revealed. The lexical, morphological and syntactic components of advertising creolized texts verbal components are fixed.
The degree of coherence between verbal and non-verbal components in the advertising text and the degree of their to the way advertising functioning in the newspapers is established. The impact mechanism’s of the creolized text components on the readership are considered. The impact of the choice of the poetic or prosaic advertising text on potential buyers is noted.
Text sources of advertisements published in the pre-revolutionary «Samara newspaper» and the Soviet newspaper «Izvestia» as sources of material were used.
A complete repetition of the text by the image is typical for the newspaper advertising texts of the pre-revolutionary period. The using of two models of creolization was noted in newspaper advertising of the 20–30s of the XX century. The use of poetic advertising texts in Soviet newspapers of the period was noted. The specifics of non-verbal parts of creolized advertising texts are revealed. The schematic image in the pre-revolutionary period. The detailed image study in the Soviet is noted.

About the authors

V. M. Zaripova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: morenov@ssau.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Department of Publishing and Book Distribution


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Copyright (c) 2019 Zaripova V.M.

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