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The article is devoted to the analysis of mechanisms of representation of railway rolling stock in professional jargon through the metaphorical image «man (human being)». The purpose of the research is to identify the totality of lexical means of expression of this image in railway slang; to give classification of this means; to define most topical models on the basis of which images «man» and «railway transport» semantically correlate. The source of the actual material are the dictionary of railway jargon by D. Zinoviev and railway Internet forums and chats. We found 77 lexemes of different parts of speech, which from different sides directly or indirectly embody the image «man» in the nomination of rolling stock.
Elements of component, cognitive and quantitative methods were used during the research.
As a result of the analysis it was found out that almost all aspects of the image «man» are presented (to different degrees) in the representation of rolling stock: physiological, social, psychological, intellectual. The physiological aspect of the image is the most frequency, while physical activity (in particular movement) is very rare, and on the contrary, physical and anatomical traits (size/strength, structure, body parts) are more embodied. The size of the rolling stock is interpreted as growth or age (children’s age – in case of actualization of a small size) (boy, baby); elements of rolling stock – as parts of a person’s body or objects of clothing / footwear (head, eyes, shoes, boots, skirt); deviations from the normal operation/condition of the mechanism – as illness or death (deaf, sick, kill). Quite a large part of the identified lexemes gives the rolling stock a social status: nationality (American, Hakas – actualize place of production or route), professional functions (prosecutor), family relationship (the mother-in-law). Psychological and mental aspects of the image are the least productive (merry train, tricky train; clever Masha).

About the authors

A. B. Ivanova

Samara State Transport University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor, Department of Linguistics


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