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The article describes the manifestations of the autonomous position of the student’s personality in the educational process. Autonomy, manifested in the ability to make an informed, subject and responsible choice, is considered as the main prerequisite for future professional success. The study of manifestations of the student’s autonomous position in the educational process was carried out over two years. The level of student autonomy was determined through the ability to set goals, individual responsibility, and subject activity in the educational process. The study allowed us to identify explicit and implicit forms of autonomy. Explicitly, the measure of autonomy is determined through the setting of goals and priorities in the educational process, the degree of synchronization of actions, the construction of prospective plans for self-realization and development. The implicit basis of the autonomous position of the student’s personality is reflection and awareness of the significance of the events.
The study describes the factors that determine the autonomous, responsible and independent behavior of the student in learning activities. Statistical data processing reveals differences in the signs of «successful» and «not successful» groups of students. The relationship between academic performance and the level of autonomy of the student’s personality is defined. Specific manifestations of autonomy in behavior are described.
The autonomous position of a student’s personality is manifested in responsible and independent behavior, interest in current learning outcomes, the ability to independently make decisions, exercise control, show initiative and criticality when studying educational material; high adaptive activity, focus on the interests of others, desire to plan their actions, taking into account group tasks. A low level of student autonomy in learning activity is manifested through the strategy of subordinate adaptive behavior: the desire to live without conflict in the professional community, lack of initiative, avoidance of independent actions; desire to be careful and pragmatic when making decisions; propensity to avoid problem tasks, to receive support and encouragement for the efforts made, rather than the result achieved.
The autonomous position of a student’s personality influences the quality of learning outcomes due to the ability to align learning objectives with individual interests and needs.

About the authors

Zh. V. Gorkaya

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor of the Department
of Developmental Psychology


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