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The problem of forming the students legal competence in different areas of training is due to modern economic conditions, in which industrial relations, relations with consumers, financial relations, etc., are the main areas of activity of advertising and public relations specialists, which requires a revision of methodological and didactic principles of professional training with legal competence. A sample of the research is presented by advertising and public relations specialists, who regulate the procedure for preparing materials for publication in the mass media. Advertising and public relations specialists need to know relevant legal documents regulating the basics of advertising activity. These specialists are legally responsible for the violation of the rights of others, the use of false information in advertising, the disclosure of confidential information and trade secrets. However, it is this specialty that is associated with such professions in which information and intellectual property are often used in the framework of competitive relations. This means that advertising and public relations specialists may abuse their position, using the information they have received improperly, disclosing trade secrets, or holding back some data, hiding the negative aspects of products, services, entrepreneurs. The article presents the structure of legal competence based on the identification of the scope and types of activities; found indicators for each component. The rationale is the identified specifics and features of activities of these specialists. On the basis of theoretical development of the problem and norms of the requirements for the types of activity of an advertising and public relations specialist, the need to develop a system for forming their legal competence, the level of which affects the reputation of these specialists, is proved. At the same time, legal regulation of professional activity of advertising and public relations specialists has a decisive role for communication interaction and information security in general and for each individual representative.

About the authors

N. O. Kuznetsova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

postgraduate student of the Department of Theory and Methods of Professional Education


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