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The article presents the analysis of new trends in the use of the borrowed analytical adjective media. Contexts of the late 1990-ies — early 2000-ies demonstrate its new features, namely the ability for stand-alone use that allows to speak about changes in the status of this element in the modern Russian language. The fact of the use of the item of media as independent lexemes demonstrate the steady movement from a group of morphemes that have an intermediate position between affixes and roots, to the group of roots. At the same time derivational activity of the item of media continues to remain high for the last 25 years, that record not only dictionaries of neologisms, but legal dictionaries as well. Derivatives with this root, are commonly used in the Russian language and have a variety of different values.

About the authors

A. A. Bezrukova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1825-0097
Russian Federation


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