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The article identifies the increase in the speed of speech changes

in the XXI century due to the influence of divergent trends and

investigates the role of the media and the Internet in these processes.

The paper explores the role of information accuracy trend and the

tendency of effortless speech which is the sign of XXI century.

The profound influence of media and Internet communication on

people makes linguists concerned for the destiny of the Russian

language. The paper reveals the diffusion of word meanings; the

result is the impoverishment of the lexical system and multiple

uncertainty messages in the media aimed to avoid prosecution.

The article describes the results of long-term monitoring of several

major newspapers and news broadcasts and different channels and

radio stations. Thus, the author assesses the ratio of literal and

non-literal usage of some words (нелицеприятный – неприят-

ный, довольно – достаточно) as an intensifier, and words like

сходный – похожий – подобный – схожий and so on.


About the authors

O. B. Sirotinina

National Research Saratov State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: morenovsv@ssau.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1825-0097


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