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The variability of discursive practices based on the titles of

American fine arts products is described in the article. In modern

Russian linguistics, discourse is analyzed as the unity of the text

and the context in terms of their socio-cultural and linguistic

components. From the interpretation of «discourse», it may be

concluded that the titles of fine arts products cover a lot of specific

properties and features of the discursive space. The titles of the

pictures under analysis are associated with the topic of childhood.

The topic of childhood is rather multifolded so the results of the

research in the present article are limited to the description of the

subgroup including the names of animals since the animals

constitute an integral part of the childhood world – they help

children to explore the world and develop a sense of caring and

responsibility. The authors of the canvases apply the verbalized

versions of the constituents forming the above mentioned nominative

paradigm to demonstrate the spiritual world of childhood in the

most vivid and colourful manner.


About the authors

L. V. Kuznetsova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: morenovsv@ssau.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1825-0097


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