Vol 13, No 2 (2022)

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Directions of sustainable development of regional industrial enterprises (on the example of the forest industry)

Anisimova V.Y., Lazutina E.A.


The forest industry is an important part of Russian economy, so its condition has a great impact on all aspects of the entire economy and life of Russia, from the extraction of raw materials in various industries (such as construction, agriculture, furniture production) and ending with the recreational role of forests in people's lives. This article discusses the main issues and prospects for the development of Russian forest industry. The systematization of the main issues of the development of enterprises of the forest industry of the Baikal region in terms of existing problems in production and technology is presented. To solve technological problems, it is proposed to use innovative solutions at enterprises of the forest industry, for example, the use of drones for forest inventory, monitoring of measurement and accounting of the movement of logs, the use of fertilizers with additives from biomass waste. The direction of development of industrial enterprises of timber industry region of Russia, based on innovations and systemic reforms of the forest industry, is presented.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):7-14
pages 7-14 views

Modeling the process of management of organizational culture at enterprises of fuel and energy complex

Vasilchikov A.V., Nigmatullin A.R.


The article is devoted to the study of the process of modeling organizational culture in the context of the activities of enterprises of the industrial complex, in particular, the sectoral structure of enterprises in fuel and energy complex. In the context of the strategic development of an enterprise, organizational culture acts as an effective mechanism and tool for development in modern transformational economic processes. The main criteria approaches to the definition of organizational culture are considered, based on the practice of managing enterprises in the fuel and energy complex. The main models of organizational culture are characterized, and the methodological apparatus of the algorithm for the formation of organizational culture at the enterprises of fuel and energy complex in the context of the globalization reform of modern economic system is developed. The developed model of a systematic transition to the formation of an organizational culture is based on a role-playing and innovative type of culture, which is acceptable for industrial enterprises in general, and industry enterprises of fuel and energy complex. The model of formation of the organizational culture of the enterprises of fuel and energy complex is aimed at the implementation of the work plan, taking into account the formation of preferred types of organizational culture. Optimization ways and directions for improving the development of the organization's culture in order to increase its competitiveness and performance efficiency are proposed. The study is of value to scientific and pedagogical workers in the field of education and in the field of management consulting.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):15-22
pages 15-22 views

Theoretical approaches to the study of innovative activity of the regional industrial complex

Guseva D.A., Mironova E.A.


The need to apply innovations in the production of products and the provision of services in the current conditions of sanctions and a total policy of import substitution is beyond doubt. Replacing imports with domestic goods and components is a priority task of state policy in the Russian Federation. The published article discusses theoretical approaches to the study of innovative activity of the regional industrial complex. The authors substantiate the need to apply innovations at the level of the regional industrial complex in terms of improving the regional production system. The essential features of the «innovative activity of enterprises» are given, the main approaches to its definition are supplemented. The signs of innovative – active enterprises and their differences from traditional ones are highlighted. A set of measures is proposed to promote the development of innovative activity of the industrial complex of the Russian Federation. The criteria for the effectiveness of innovative industrial complexes are outlined. In the conclusion of the presented scientific research, the author's definition of «innovative activity of enterprises of the regional industrial complex» is given, which is the intensity of the innovative activity of enterprises in the region, determined by the frequency of application of innovations in production from the generation of knowledge, ideas to commercialization and obtaining financial benefits.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):23-31
pages 23-31 views

Assessment of the competitive environment of the market of housing services of the city of Voronezh

Kemaikin N.K.


This article is devoted to the study of the level of competition of management companies serving apartment buildings in the city of Voronezh. A review of studies on this topic showed that there are many works on assessing the structure of the market and the level of concentration, but there are practically no scientific works on studying the market of housing services. The purpose of this scientific work is to assess the level of competition in the housing services market of the city of Voronezh for further analysis of the level of achievement of some strategic indicators of the development of the municipality. The following tasks are solved in the study: to establish the number of managing organizations providing services in the housing and communal services market; calculate the market shares owned by management organizations in this market of housing services; calculate market concentration criteria. The subject of the study is a variety of theoretical and practical issues from the analysis of market structures and various indicators of market concentration. The methodological and theoretical basis of this scientific work is based on the work of Russian scientists, statistical data, legal acts, as well as data from publicly available official websites of municipal and regional authorities. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that indicators of market power and market competition were used to assess the level of competition in the market of organizations serving apartment buildings in the city of Voronezh. General logical analysis, systematic approach, tabular presentation of data were used as the main methods of scientific research. Based on the values of market concentration indicators, conclusions are drawn about the current level of competition of management companies in the city of Voronezh. The obtained results of the study make it possible to repeat the used algorithm for assessing the level of competition in relation to any municipality. From a practical point of view, the study allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of municipal government in terms of ensuring one of the components of economic security. There is a high level of competition in the management market of apartment buildings in the city of Voronezh.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):32-40
pages 32-40 views

Comparative analysis of material damage from the occurrence of risky events at industrial enterprises and costs on preventive measures (on the example of the regions of the Volga Federal District)

Klyovina M.V.


The article examines the indicators of material damage from the occurrence of man-made emergencies at industrial enterprises of the Russian Federation, indicators of the costs of preventive measures in the Russian Federation. The forecast of a time series with an oscillatory component of material damage from the occurrence of man-made emergencies at industrial enterprises has been carried out. The probability of occurrence of a risk event at the enterprise is calculated based on data on the number of man-made emergencies and the number of enterprises in the region. To assess the impact of the values of indicators of material damage from the occurrence of man-made emergencies at industrial enterprises, as well as indicators of the costs of preventive measures for each subject of the Volga Federal District on the size of this indicator throughout the Federal District, a regression analysis was carried out. Based on it, a model has been developed for the PFD of the relationship of material damage from the occurrence of man-made emergencies and the costs of preventive measures. As a result of the analysis of the components included in the model, it was revealed that the indicators of the costs of preventive measures for the occurrence of man-made emergencies in the Volga Federal District are most influenced by the indicators of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and the Orenburg region. The indicators of the Republics of Mordovia, Tatarstan, as well as the Nizhny Novgorod and Orenburg regions have the greatest impact on the indicator of material damage from the occurrence of man-made emergencies in the Volga Federal District.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):41-50
pages 41-50 views

Directions for preserving the economic security of the regions using the cluster approach

Kliment’yeva S.V.


In the economic space, the one who has managed to create key competencies and produce competitive processes and products wins. In turn, competitiveness in the modern economy is achieved due to the increase in the level of innovativeness of developments, which directly depends on the investment opportunities of the actors of economic relations and the conditions of macro- and microenvironment of management. In the new political and economic conditions, the most important thing is to maintain the achieved level of competitiveness of regional economies and the potential for its further development, which will make it possible not to lose economic security in the future as an element of the national security of state. One of the leading forms of associations in regional economies has been the creation and operation of economic clusters of various types, combining private initiative, state support, and scientific and educational component. The cluster approach has shown its effectiveness both on a global scale and at the regional level of the Russian Federation. In this regard, it is proposed to continue its use at the current stage of Russia's development and proposals are made that are designed to maintain positive trends in regional development and preserve the economic security of Russian regions based on the cluster approach.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):51-62
pages 51-62 views

«Сlosed sky» shock: trends and forecasts

Kuzmina L.V., Merzlikina A.S.


The article deals with situations related to the closure of airspace and a significant decrease in the number of air traffic, which we have observed twice in recent history. For the first time in 2020, due to the spread of the new COVID-19 coronavirus infection, there was a powerful wave of closure of air traffic between the countries. For the second time, in 2022, there was a similar closure of airspace, but for other reasons of a station nature that arose due to the introduction of a number of sanctions and restrictive measures (a ban on landing, taking off and flying over the territory) from the European states. The article analyzes the emerging trends from the perspective of the industry as a whole and airlines in particular, evaluates the dynamics of air transportation over the period under study, analyzes the work of airlines (a parallel is drawn between a sharp decrease in the number of flights and a significant change in the operational performance of airlines associated with a significant.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):63-70
pages 63-70 views

Methodological aspects of the formation of a mechanism for implementing the strategy of innovative development at the regional level

Mironova E.A., Chebykina M.V., Shatalova T.N.


The article is devoted to the study of various aspects of the formation of innovative strategies for the economic development of regions. The authors presented several variants of the definitions of the innovation strategy, essentially compared and analyzed them. Various approaches to the definition of the concept of economic strategy were considered, including G. Hamel and K.K. Prahalada, M.Yu. Porter, C. Macmillan, M. Mescon and A. Chandlenr, on their basis the author's definition was formed. Abstracts were formulated and the algorithms used to create a correct innovative strategy at the regional level were determined. The authors considered the structure of the region's innovation strategy as a connected system, identified key sections and provided explanations for them. The grouping of innovative potentials into 3 groups was also briefly described: the coefficients of promising opportunities, the resulting coefficients, as well as the request for innovative coefficients. The system of principles for the formation of the mechanism for implementing the strategy of innovative development of the region was graphically presented. In addition, the article described the structural elements of the mechanism for implementing the innovation development strategy at the regional level, including the mechanisms for creating conditions for interregional cooperation in the innovation sphere, mechanisms for financing innovation activities in the region, and mechanisms for improving the efficiency of the regional innovation process.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):71-79
pages 71-79 views

Regional aspects of planning in the system of state strategic management

Oruch T.A.


Currently, the issue of studying the problems of strategic management at the regional level is an urgent direction and this is primarily due to the fact that the effectiveness of regional management directly affects the socio-economic development of this territory. An important function of the management process is planning, which is the process of developing and approving measures aimed at achieving the set goals for the development of the territory, with the fullest use of available and potential resources. In the long term, regional strategic planning becomes more important, which is aimed not only at assessing the current socio-economic state of the subject of the Russian Federation, but also planning its development for the future. The adoption in 2014 of the Federal Law «On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation» defined the practice of implementing strategic planning at the federal, regional and municipal levels as a tool to improve the efficiency of the authorities of a particular territory. The purpose of the presented work is to analyze the features of strategic planning as a tool for socio-economic development of the region (using the example of the Samara region). Proceeding from this, the theoretical aspects of the content of regional strategic planning in the system of tools for improving the socio-economic development of the subject of the Russian Federation and, as a consequence, increasing the efficiency of the activities of regional tax authorities are important. Methodological aspects of strategic planning at the regional level are related to the development of ways to assess the impact of the effectiveness of strategic planning on the level of socio-economic development of the region, various economic entities and regional authorities. The practical aspect of the problem under consideration is related to the development of directions for improving the effectiveness of strategic planning for the socio-economic development of the region.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):80-91
pages 80-91 views

Opportunities for cooperation and the use of China's experience in automotive industry in current Russian conditions

Podbornova E.S., Chirkunova E.K.


The current economic situation in Russia is characterized by significant instability due to the large sanctions burden provided by the countries of Europe and the United States because of the special military operation in Ukraine. In the emerging conditions, which caused an increase in inflation, currency volatility, the closure of a large number of companies in various market segments, and, consequently, unemployment, almost all economic activity has become very difficult. Thus, domestic automobile production was also affected. One of the latest measures aimed at destabilizing the Russian automotive industry within the framework of the next package of sanctions in March 2022 was a partial ban on the supply of high-tech products to the country and support for the IT-infrastructure of enterprises. Because of the withdrawal of foreign companies from the Russian market, production facilities such as: Volvo Cars, Jaguar, Land Rover, General Motors, Mitsubishi and others has stopped. The number of Russian car dealers by May has decreased significantly compared to the beginning of the year. Thus, about 70 dealer contracts were terminated. One of the largest car plants in Russia Avtovaz has already stopped its operation several times, and soon the French car concern Renault is going to transfer its share to the Central Automobile Research Institute FGUP «NAMI» with a buy-out option in 5–6 years and the production of most models of Renault will be stopped. The situation is also complicated by the already existing crisis in the industry due to the global shortage of semiconductors and other automotive components and newly emerged problems with logistics. There is an obvious need to conclude new deals, find new markets for purchasing raw materials and materials, intensify cooperation with friendly countries and use their experience, which can be done on the basis of uniting Russian clusters and foreign technological platforms, namely the TP of China is being considered.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):92-99
pages 92-99 views

Ensuring the investment attractiveness of Russian regions under the influence of international sanctions

Skornichenko N.N.


Scientists and analysts have been studying the investment attractiveness of Russian regions for a long time. In order to be able to predict the development of regional economy and assess its prospective growth or possible stagnation, it is necessary to assess the investment activity in the country and the investment attractiveness of its subjects. The problem raised is quite relevant at the present time, since most often the main criterion for an investor when determining an investment object is the return on investment, which should be comparable to the level of possible risk from investing capital. Investment attractiveness of Russian regions in 2020-2021 grew, demonstrating a positive trend of change, despite the consequences of the protracted pandemic and the international sanctions imposed in 2014 by the EU and the USA. However, the unprecedented international sanctions imposed by Western countries in 2022 require the development of new strategic decisions, both at the federal and regional levels of government, to ensure the transformation of socio-economic course of development and ensure the investment attractiveness of business entities. The current problem of import substitution in many sectors of Russian economy is also relevant in the investment sphere, first of all, it requires a reorientation of investment flows towards domestic economic entities. In this article, we will consider the issues of the formation of investment attractiveness and the investment climate in the regions of the Russian Federation under the current international sanctions. The destruction of a large economic system always has a negative impact on its investment attractiveness. In this regard, it is advisable to consider the factors of external and internal orientation that affect the investment attractiveness of the region, as well as assess the favorable and negative impact of these factors.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):100-108
pages 100-108 views

Regulation of the Russian labor market in the new conditions of sanctions impact

Slatov D.G.


The article examines measures to regulate the labor market of the Russian Federation under the conditions of sanctions. The labor market in the new conditions was influenced by a unique combination of diverse economic, political, and social factors. An important feature of the current labor market configuration is the uneven impact of the negative effects of sanctions pressure on various sectors of economy and, as a result, the strengthening of structural imbalances, labor shortages in some sectors and excess in others. Sanctions challenges for the Russian economy have necessitated the need for rapid and adequate support for labor market participants.
The article considers legal, administrative and financial measures to support the labor market in new conditions. Measures aimed at stabilizing the labor market and employment are operational and comprehensive, constantly being supplemented as the situation develops. The measures introduced include both administrative and regulatory and financial instruments to support labor market participants, both employees and employers. Special attention is paid to the preservation of human resources in general, and in the field of information technology in particular, as well as the development of entrepreneurial potential of citizens of the Russian Federation. The author suggests maintaining the course of maintaining economic activity of labor market participants, primarily by easing regulatory restrictions and facilitating access to financial resources (subsidies, credit availability, government orders). When making decisions on measures to support the labor market, give preference to complex solutions with high multiplicative and synergistic effects in various areas of the economy and social sphere. In the short term, take measures to ensure supply in order to avoid shortages of goods, ensure price stability and maintain employment in the production and distribution sectors. In the medium term, the main focus should be on maintaining demand from the state, business and individuals (for example, expanding infrastructure projects, supporting housing construction, introducing food certificates for the poor, etc. comprehensive solutions). In the long term, to provide a foundation for the growth of high-tech jobs through the development of machine-tool and mechanical engineering, electronics manufacturing, and other high-tech industries. This growth can be achieved both through the import of technologies and through the support of their own developments. Broad and timely informing of employees and employers about the support measures taken is necessary.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):109-117
pages 109-117 views

Transformation of innovation commercialization processes

Tyukavkin N.M., Anisimova V.Y.


Modern science is little represented by research in the field of commercialization of innovations. The main approaches to commercialization proposed by various authors are limited to the analysis of the commercialization of innovations when they are introduced into their own enterprise, partial or complete transfer of rights to innovative products to third-party buyers. In this study, the authors clarified the concept of «commercialization», presented traditional approaches to its implementation, and noted shortcomings in existing studies. The traditional forms of its implementation are shown, as well as methods of organizing the commercialization of innovations are presented. The essential shortcomings of the presented studies are revealed, which consist in the fact that unclaimed products can be presented to the market, which means the failure of innovative developments. This provision reflects the fact of low innovation activity of domestic innovation activity. The authors, based on the clarification of the concept of «commercialization» of innovations, propose a transformational approach to its organization based on the formation of a consumer of innovations who is interested in using innovations. The paper proposes to divide the process of commercialization of innovations into stages that represent the achievement of certain results of innovative activity and reflect the results of commercialization, on the basis of which it is possible to assume the success or unacceptability of innovative developments. The article proposes transformational directions of commercialization of innovations that increase the level of its application.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):118-125
pages 118-125 views

Potential of Russian human capital in the face of sanctions

Khmeleva G.A.


Human capital research is the main direction of fundamental and applied science. In the face of unprecedented sanctions pressure, building up and strengthening human capital is the most important task of ensuring the sustainability of Russian economy. The article emphasizes the creative role of human capital and analyzes its potential in Russia on the basis of international comparisons. The purpose of the article is to assess the potential of human capital and identify ways to strengthen it under sanctions. It is shown that the key components of the potential of human capital are its physical stock, expressed by quantitative characteristics of the number, age composition, as well as qualitative characteristics, such as the level of education, research and inventive activity. Since the scientific content of the concept of "potential" implies an assessment of the accumulated stock and the possibilities of its use, the article proposes to introduce a population density indicator, which makes it possible to assess the possibilities of future development of territories by attracting human capital. The results of the assessment of human capital have made it possible to note the improvement in the quality of human capital in recent years. However, the sanctions imposed against Russia necessitate accelerated measures to strengthen human capital. To this end, the article proposes a number of appropriate measures that, according to the author, will contribute to the increment of the potential of Russian human capital for the sustainability and innovative development of the economy. The need to promote the resettlement of compatriots not only from the countries of the former USSR, but also from other countries in every possible way was noted. For this purpose, measures are proposed to improve the mechanisms of its implementation.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):126-140
pages 126-140 views


Development of the university's innovation assessment system at the national level

Zubarev N.Y.


The paper examines approaches to the assessment of innovation activity of Russian universities and concludes that there is no unified assessment methodology and a set of relevant indicators. As a single assessment tool at the state level, it is proposed to use «Monitoring the effectiveness of the activities of educational institutions of higher education». For these purposes, the author proposes to allocate an independent block of indicators in the monitoring structure that reflect the innovative activity of the university as comprehensively as possible. At the same time, part of the indicators should be transferred from the Monitoring section on the evaluation of research activities. The author supports the approach of forming a set of indicators for assessing innovation activity in three areas – innovation potential, innovation activity and the effectiveness of innovation activity. At the same time, based on the legislatively fixed concept of innovation activity, the author of the article suggests that when choosing indicators for assessing innovation activity, include only indicators reflecting the effects (primarily economic) of the implementation of innovative projects and the creation (development) of innovation infrastructure. Based on the results of the analysis of currently available indicators in Monitoring, the author proposes to include additional 14 indicators in the assessment of the university's innovation activity, distributing them into the above groups, which will allow the most comprehensive assessment of this area of activity of Russian universities and conduct correct comparisons with other universities, regardless of their size.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):133-140
pages 133-140 views

Analysis of factors of formation of motivation of university students to research activities in the field of innovation

Semenova O.V.


The article presents the results of a sociological study on the formation of university students' motivation for research activities on the example of the experience of Samara National Research University. Internal and external motives and conditions for doing research work of students are considered and identified. The key task of training modern specialists is to form students' readiness for research activities. Important aspects in the training of young professionals are theoretical and practical research. The latest methods and forms of preparing students for scientific work in the field of innovation are likely to provide a deeper combination of theory and practice and, as a result, improve the quality of graduate training. Readiness for research work includes several components: motivational, orientational, activity, reflective component. In this paper, emphasis is placed on the first component – motivational, which characterizes the interest in cognition and the motivation of research activities. To motivate students to scientific work in the field of innovation means to touch on their interests, current needs, and also provide an opportunity to express themselves in the innovation field. On the basis of the study, recommendations are given on the organization of research activities of students.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):141-148
pages 141-148 views


Relationship between management efficiency, leadership style and staff performance on the example of a modern university

Batievskaya V.B., Sokolovsky M.V.


The article statistically confirms the hypothesis that was originally put forward that the effectiveness of functioning of the organization, the effectiveness of management, management style correlate with the effectiveness of the staff. The effectiveness of the leader was assessed through the productivity of preparing and holding a meeting as an element of business communications. The following tasks are solved in the article: modern approaches to the classification of management styles are studied, tools for identifying the type of leader are identified. A different orientation of the personality of managers has been revealed: managers with an authoritarian leadership style are focused on the task, on achieving the goal, on getting results at any cost; the democratic style of leadership is focused not so much on the task as on teamwork, a personality of this type has a dialogue orientation; a liberal leader demonstrates low demands on staff, condones misconduct, does not require discipline, often loses control over his subordinates, giving them complete freedom of action. A review of the approaches of various higher educational institutions to the definition of criteria for the effectiveness of activities of the teaching staff is given. The applied part of the study consisted in the fact that through a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of meetings, as a resultant characteristic of the leader's activity, a correlation interdependence with the effectiveness of organizational units was revealed. The method of studying scientific periodicals, analysis of the obtained data and synthesis of hypotheses, data collection by the method of questionnaire survey using the author's questionnaire were used, the results were statistically evaluated using the Pearson linear correlation method. The results of the questionnaire showed that the best assessment of the style of meetings was given by subordinate leaders who adhere to the democratic management style, and the worst – by leaders with authoritarian and liberal management styles.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):149-158
pages 149-158 views


Optimal profit and transaction costs for a production function with variable elasticity of output with resources

Ilyina E.A., Saraev L.A.


The published article examines the influence of non-production (transactional) costs of a multifactorial manufacturing enterprise on the formation of its profit. An economic-mathematical model for calculating the profit of an enterprise is proposed, the production function of which takes into account changes in the values of elasticity for each resource, and production (transformation) and non-production (transactional) costs are also described by an exponential function. The features of the formation of profit volumes in the short-term and long-term periods of the enterprise's work are studied. A variant of the calculation model of the maximum possible profit, ignoring the role of transaction costs, and a variant of the calculation model of optimal profit, taking into account the influence of transaction costs, are obtained. The source of transaction costs is the costs of market transactions, for the implementation of which it is necessary to find a subject interested in concluding a transaction, conduct preliminary negotiations with him, prepare a contract and conditions for its implementation, etc. The resources and costs required for all this are the essence of the transaction costs of concluding a deal. It is shown that when calculating the volume of emerging profit, it is necessary to maximize not only the profit function itself, but also the transaction utility function. Numerical analysis of the results of calculations shows the unattainability of the maximum possible values of profit, since in practice the management of the enterprise maximizes not the profit itself, but its utility, expressed as the corresponding transactional function.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):159-171
pages 159-171 views

Development of a mathematical model of industrial injuries in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation

Rostova E.P., Zinovieva A.A.


Industrial enterprises are an important link in the economic system of the state: the total share of manufacturing and mining in the structure of GDP in 2020 amounted to more than 20 %. However, hazardous production facilities operated by enterprises, as well as the production process itself, are a source of increased danger to the life and health of employees of organizations. To reduce the damage from accidents at work, preventive measures aimed at reducing injuries and preventing accidents can be taken. The development of a plan of preventive measures is based on the identification of the most significant risk factors, their study and determination of the nature of the impact on injury rates. The oil and gas industry is one of the most important sectors of the Russian Federation and the global economy as a whole. Enterprises in this sector of the economy operate hazardous production facilities, which leads to various cases of industrial injuries that negatively affect the activities of enterprises. As with all sectors of the economy, the oil and gas sector is faced with the problem of reducing the number of accidents in order to reduce economic damage. The article is devoted to the analysis of the causes of injuries in the oil and gas industry of the Russian Federation and the development of a mathematical model for assessing damage from accidents that resulted in complete or partial disability of workers. The practical significance of the study lies in identifying the most likely causes of injuries in the industry in question in order to influence them to reduce the number of accidents. The sensitivity analysis of the model also made it possible to determine the factors that have the greatest impact on the final injury rate. The statistical base of the study covers data for the period of 2012–2020 for enterprises of the entire oil and gas sector of the Russian Federation. It was found that the number of accidents is most influenced by such factors as thermal effects, falls from a height, toxic substances, lack of oxygen and explosion. The increasing damage from industrial injuries indicates the need to study the problem of managing these risks and confirms the relevance of this study.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):172-181
pages 172-181 views

Methodology of application of methods of multidimensional and dynamic analysis when studying living standards of the population

Trusova A.Y., Ilyina A.I., Osipova-Barysheva E.N.


The article presents fundamental approaches to the study of periods of development of socio-economic indicators and their mutual influence. The forms of influence of indicators on each other are investigated. The dynamic analysis of the standard of living of the population and the factors of social and economic spheres is completed with the tools of econometric modeling and canonical analysis. Birth rate, mortality, employment, unemployment, investments in fixed capital, GRP per capita, the account of resource production, the standard of living of the population and fixed assets according to the data of the Samara Region for the period 2006–2019, registered in the annual collections of state statistics bodies, are considered as indicators. The predicted values of the standard of living by various methods are calculated, confidence intervals for the studied indicators are constructed. By means of adaptive forecasting using the Brown model, forecast values are calculated and confidence intervals are constructed. Using the tools of canonical analysis, integral indicators are calculated and grouping by time factor is carried out. The spatial grouping of the time factor depending on the standard of living of the population and canonical integral factors is presented. According to the results of the analysis of autoregressive models, it was found that in terms of employment, unemployment, fertility, mortality, investment in fixed assets, GRP per capita, resource production and fixed assets, the impact of the indicator of the previous year is statistically significant, and in terms of the standard of living of the population – statistically insignificant. In the second-order autoregression, it was found that all statistical indicators have an impact on the studied indicator, except for indicators of employment and the standard of living of the population. Thus, the forms of models of multiple linear regression, paired linear regression and autoregressive models allow us to assess the numerical impact of all indicators on the studied indicators, as well as their impact on the Standard of living of the population. Visualization of multidimensional data contributes to an in-depth analysis of indicators when grouping, for example, by the time factor.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):182-204
pages 182-204 views

Influence of transport and logistics complex on the economy of the Samara Region

Uvarova L.A.


: Transport plays an important role in the development of the economy of the region and the country. Creating conditions for the efficient operation of transport and the provision of logistics services is one of the priorities for the Government of the Russian Federation. Transport and logistics complexes of the regions ensure the availability of transport services to the population, the movement of goods along transport corridors, the use of modes of transport, the possibility of warehousing and storage of goods. Thanks to the development of transport network and the smooth operation of transport processes, the functioning of the region's economy is ensured, which has a positive effect on the overall economic growth of the national economy. The paper reveals the concept of transport and logistics complex, its features and functions. A universal model of development of transport and logistics complex of the region is proposed, which takes into account the elements of transport and logistics complex and the directions of its development depending on territorial, resource, social factors and state regulation. The article substantiates the mutual influence of transport and logistics complex and the economy of the region. The article presents an econometric model for assessing the parameters of transport systems, which determines the interdependence of socio-economic indicators of the region and indicators of transport and logistics complex. In the study, the indicators of transport and logistics complex that have the greatest impact on the gross regional product are determined, and the equations of the gross regional product are obtained, in which the indicators that have the greatest impact on its formation are presented. The economic justification of the dependence of indicators of transport and logistics complex and the gross regional product is presented. The negative dependence of the region's economy on the number of road accidents, the operational length of highways with hard and improved pavement, as well as a paradoxical negative dependence on the turnover of motor transport has been revealed.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):205-214
pages 205-214 views

Analytical and computer dynamic discrete simulation model of the mechanism for the formation of monetary amounts to be paid to the enterprise for the production of rocket and space equipment

Shelokov D.A.


The key point of flow process modeling is that it is based on the use of discrete models. In traditional approaches to modeling production processes, time is considered as a continuous quantity. Static models are far from reality, since any production has a cyclical nature, since any product is produced in a finite time. In the modern theory and practice of modeling, mathematical models of economic processes in which time changes discretely are of great importance. The work combines various aspects of management, found a common language and structure in describing various conditions in production, the supply of components, raw materials, materials, as well as research, based on investments in staff training and product quality. The key point of flow process modeling is that it is based on the use of discrete models. In traditional approaches to modeling production processes, time is considered as a continuous quantity. Static models are far from reality, since any production has a cyclical nature, since any product is produced in a finite time. In the modern theory and practice of modeling, mathematical models of economic processes in which time changes discretely are of great importance. The work combines various aspects of management, found a common language and structure in describing various conditions in production, the supply of components, raw materials, materials, as well as research, based on investments in staff training and product quality. This article discusses the actual problems of the formation of flows that characterize the financial results of the company's activities for the production of launch vehicles. It is shown that the main flow parameters characterizing the financial condition of the enterprise are the cash flow to be paid and the cash flow to receive incoming funds for the sale of rocket kits, each of these flows is represented by a discrete simulation equation, the solution of which is carried out using computer models. An equation has been formed to determine the cash flow for the payment of wages to the main production personnel at the enterprise. To assess the magnitude of the effect as the final result of the company's activities, an equation has been formed that allows determining the specific cost of the launch vehicle. At a known price and its unit cost, mathematical and computer models of the profit flow received by the enterprise are formed. The graphs of the trajectories of changes in the flow of profit and the expenditure on wages presented in the work allow us to determine the time of the transition process and its dynamic stability under imposed disturbances in the volume of the order from Roscosmos.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):215-222
pages 215-222 views

Problems and possibilities of applying the theory of antagonistic games in the analysis of economic systems for various purposes

Yurlov F.F., Yashin S.N., Plekhanova A.F., Markitanov M.Y.


In organizational and economic tasks related to decision-making at various levels of the hierarchy in various economic systems, conflict situations often arise. A distinctive feature of any conflict is that the interests of its parties are mutually opposed, that is, the economic result (winning) of one participant in the conflict is equal to the loss of the other participant. With the help of conflict situations, one can describe the opposition of competitors to each other in the oligopoly market, the struggle for resources between various interested parties, the relationship of tax authorities with unscrupulous taxpayers, and some other situations. The article discusses the practical application of the theory of antagonistic games to the problems of choosing effective solutions in the economy, analyzes the methodological features of this theory, formulates the main problems that arise when using antagonistic games in organizational and economic problems, analyzes some practical examples in which the use of this theory can be appropriate. Special attention is paid to the solution of computational problems, the economic interpretation of such game theory terms as «strategy», «win», «efficiency criterion». As the main result of the work, it should be noted that:  1. Despite the fact that the theory of antagonistic games is currently developed mainly as a purely mathematical model, it may well find application in solving practical economic problems, in particular, for the oligopoly market. 2. Using the methods of the theory of antagonistic games to select optimal solutions in conflict situations encounters a number of difficulties, among which the most important are:

– determination of the set of strategies of the participants in the conflict;

– the correct choice of the criterion on the basis of which the conflict situation is analyzed;

– establishing the relationship between the optimality criterion and the strategies of the participants;

– formation of an efficiency matrix based on the values of this criterion for each combination of strategies of the participants in the conflict;

– search for equilibrium situations;

– study of the possibility of a multi-criteria choice in the context of a conflict of interest.

  1. The most widely used when choosing effective solutions in a conflict of interest is the principle of a guaranteed result, which is the easiest way to determine the equilibrium strategies of the participants.
Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(2):223-234
pages 223-234 views

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